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fifa mobile team of the week guide fifa mobile team of the week guide

How To Pull The Best Players In TOTW

Do you always have problems pulling good players in TOTW (Team Of The Week)? I’m pretty sure that most FIFA Mobile players out there simply use the wrong strategy when it comes to Team Of The Week so I’d like to present you my strategy that will guarantee you getting the best player in the TOTW pulls.

good totw pull

In the first section, I will show you how to gather TOTW points effectively and in the second part I will show you a strategy that always works.

Getting TOTW Points

For this strategy to work you will need to farm the TOTW Points frequently, every day:

  • 5 points for watching an ad every day
  • 5 points for daily quests  every day
  • 20 points per week for weekly rewards

This is 90 Team Of The Week Points every week.

This is not even enough to open one started (that costs 100 points), but this strategy will get better once you have a nice pile of TOTW points, so keep farming and saving them in the first 10-12 weeks – I know it sounds tough but you will be rewarded with a Messi or Ronaldo, I promise you 🙂

Getting The Best Team Of The Week Player

The strategy uses one thing that, surprisingly, many people out there are not aware:

team of the week strategy

So theoretically with 1,100 TOTW points, you’re 100% sure to get the strongest players as well.

I can guarantee you that you will get the 4 Gold Players in your first 4 pulls – so there’s no reason to pull a player when you have only 100 or 400 points. I  know there are surprises here and there but that’s a 95% to not get any other than the Gold players.

So if you now will spend your hard-earned 200 points on 2 pulls you simply waste them! They’re lost!

Rather gather 1,000 or better 1,100 points and wait to see a real good player in TOTW (e.g. Messi or Ronaldo) and then spend your points on getting that player that is worth a couple of million coins easily.

If you’re lucky enough and get it on your 5th or 7th pull be happy you have saved some TOTW points for next time  – these points will roll over to the next week 🙂

From time to time you will be lucky and get the best player in a pull earlier than the 11th pull but that’s not the case – hoping is not a strategy, and a strategy is what I promised you 😉

Often times you will see results like this one here…

normal pull in totw

And you don’t want to spend that points on an average or little above average player so make sure to save the points up and wait for a good Team Of The Week!

Attention! I know you will now think that it’s insane to wait such a long time but once you have the 1,100 points  you will see that you can pull the player of your dreams with less starters and have like 200 or even 600  points left so the next attempt on a good TOTW player will  be only a few weeks later – the key still is to not rely on luck but to have the 1,100 points to go the full distance if you have to.  ????


I hope you’re not too disappointed that I didn’t present you a way to just pull the best player in the first try by pulling at noon while jumping around in circles (there are many fake “glitches” out there that promise nonsense like that…).

I promised you a strategy that will work and this is the only one that really works.

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