rise of kingdoms tomoe gozen build rise of kingdoms tomoe gozen build

Best Tomoe Gozen Builds (Talent Tree | Skill Order | Best Pairing) In Rise of Kingdoms

Ok, first things first, Tomoe Gozen is only an Elite Commander and you durely don’t want to use her as your primary commander – she’s actually a pretty decent secondary commander and for many players out there a commander they will have quite early in the game.

So, here you find my recommendation on how to build her talent points to also make good use of her even when progressing in the game and getting more and more other commanders.

Tomoe Gozen Role

As I said, she is a solid commander to use. With her third skill, Beauty in Chaos, she will passively boost the skill damage of your primary commander (that should be a nuker).

There are several discussions that there’s a problem with that because as a secondary commander she can only cast her skill after the primary commander cast his skill – and this leaves a lot of potential on the table. Still, when cycling through the skills, also with her first skill, Blood Sakura, she will get a point where she perfectly boosts her primary commanders’ skill.

Tomoe’s Blood Sakura also boosts your troops’ attack so even if it doesn’t boost your nuker’s nuke, it still doesn’t get that wasted when she’s the secondary commander.

Current Ranking – is Tomoe Gozen S-Tier, A-Tier, or D-Tier?!

See how Tomoe Gozen is ranking in the different game modes of Rise of Kingdoms in my current tier list here.

Important! Don’t miss out on free Gems, Keys, Boosters and Speedups and frequently check my list of active gift codes for Rise of Kingdoms here.

Skill Order

When you star up Tomoe Gozen, you also unlock a new skill. This helps you fine-tune in what order you want to upgrade your skills as not all skills are equally good for him.

In the case of Tomoe Gozen it doesn’t make much sense to skip any skills as they are in the perfect order. So, always take a skill to Skill Level 5 before you add another star to her. This means you will get Blood Sakura to Level 5 and add a star, then get Divine Bow to Level 5 and add a start… and so on.

There’s no need to level her up beyond Level 30

Best Troops

Unless you’re in the absolute early starges of Rise of Kingdoms, you will only use Tomoe Gozen as a secondary commander, this means neither her talents nor any other skills than her primary skill will get used – and her primary skill is for all troops. So, witht hat in mind you can run all troops with her.

If you’re in the early stages and run her as a primary commander, use archers in your marches with her to get the full bonus.

Best Commander Pairing

As mentioned above, Tomoe Gozen is a really early game commander so combine her with any other commander you’re running early or use her as secondary commander. Later in the game she will become more and more obsolete.

Find out more about the most useful commander pairings here.

Best Tomoe Gozen Builds

Without wasting any more time let’s dive right into the build I have here for you.

Actually it’s, unlike my other commander’s talent builds, only one really versatile build that I can recommend when using her as a secondary commander (what you should do!).

Versatility Build

Let’s start with the build for her primary objective – keeping your city secure 🙂

This is the build you want to use:

rise of kingdoms tomoe gozen versatility build

Yes, you might now think what this is as there’s gathering skills as well as garrison and also rallying skills in there.

The reason for this is that you can perfectly use her either as a secondary commander early in the game when you don’t have that many options and when this starts to change you can start using her for gathering or also support of gathering commanders.

You really don’t want to build her in the other skill trees and focus on what’s in front of you and this is the truth: Tomoe Gozen won’t become a very great commander, neither primary nor secondary but a nice commander to have in addition.

She is great if you get to work with a nuker as your primary commander and that’s where you want her to be in the final state and leveling her is – compared to all the other legendary commanders in Rise of Kingdoms – relatively easy.

Important! If you’re not sure who to pair Tomoe Gozen with, check out our freshly updated Ranked Commander Pairing list here 🙂


What do you think on these builds for Tomoe Gozen? If you have questions or you want to add anything please drop a comment below 🙂

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