age of origins best drillmaster officer skills age of origins best drillmaster officer skills

Best Drillmaster Officer Skills in Age of Origins

Each drillmastter officer you have appointed in Age of Origins has their own unique skills but you can add additional officer skills that will apply to your whole base – and those boosts are quite essential espcially for earlier and mid-game players.

In this guide I want to give you some advice which skills work best depending where you are in the game and please also make sure to check out the ranking of the best director drillmaster to use in Age of Origins here.

Drillmaster Officer Skills Overview in Age of Origins

Drillmasters in Age of Origins can use skills that will either increase your attack or defense against certain troops types (Zombies, Melee, Long Range or Mid Range) or debuff enemy troops types attack or defense so they become more situational what you’re up against.

Early Game Drillmaster Officer Skills

In early game you shoul pick everything zombie-related. You normally don’t have many choice anyway but as most of your battles you choose and an win are up against zombies, make them weaker or improve your damage against them as it is available to you.

Progressed Drillmaster Officer Skills

Also here, pick what makes sense and use the zombie-related drillmaster skills if you’re up against zombies or otherwise pick what makes sense. This also heavily revolves against the troop types you start specialzing in, as each troop type has some weaknesses so flat them out with your officer skills. It just becomes very situational so I can’t give you a basic “this is it” tip.

Endgame Drillmaster Officer Skills

Same as for the progressed section, super situational so play around to find your individual best setup.


I hope this helps and please also check out my guide for the director officer skills and the strategy officer skills here.

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