Are you planning to or already running Dido in Rise of Kingdoms in one of your marches and want to see how you should invest the talent points, what equipment works best and what other commanders you should pair with? Well, then you’re in the right place, below you will find answer to each one of those questions and this will help you make your Dido perfrom as strong as possible in all situations.
Current Ranking – is Dido S-Tier, A-Tier, or D-Tier?!
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Skill Order

Best Troops
If you use her to defend your city you will run mixed units but for defending garrison you should try to get as many archers in as her kit, skill and everything buffs up archers heavily.
Best Commander Pairing for Dido

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Henry as secondary commander along Dido as primary commander for defending a garrison with archer troops works exceptionally well and is probably the best pairing right now to defend pretty much anything as you will gain a lot of sustain and skill damage from Henry that Dido improves even further. Heraclius is also a pairing that makes a lot of sense and works well as the primary commander with Dido. I would prefer running Henry overall but if that’s your only option you will still get good results. Yi Sun-Sin (YSS) is more a backup secondary commander if the above are no option you have(for whatever reason) and I would not do it unless you have no other option.
Find out more about the most useful commander pairings here.
Best Equipment Forge Order
In terms of equipment, here’s what I recommend to use as the route for Dido. I have tailored this priority order that you can follow step-by-step to prevent forging and running equipment that is not useful or only provides a very small improvement. Follow the equipment path step-by-step and you will have the best and most economical gear:
How to unlock
And for the artifacts I have tested the different ones here so you can see which ones perform the best (of course I only tested/list the ones that make sense):
Ring of Doom works perfect with all abilities and what’s also important is it will scale up well with the anti-swarm skill that deals direct damage when attacked.Horn of Fury or Vengeance are the other good choices. Horn lets you cycle through the skill faster, what I really like as you get the skill damage taken by your troops for 5 seconds. The quicker you keep that rolling the moreuptime this protection has. Vengeance helps to punish getting swarmed, but I feel that henry paired with the right secondary commander can deal with that already quite well.
Best Builds For Dido
Below you will find the talent tree builds for Dido that make sense when running as the primary commander in any march in Rise of Kingdoms. Please also refer to the description below each talent tree as I explain a general route on how you should spend your talents there + some additional background for each talent build that I very likely will appreciate.The only talent build that makes with Dido as your defensive captain ifor garrison or your city is this one here – there’s literally no other case where you want to run her as primary commander than as garrison captain.And as you would only do that with her maxed out or upgraded very far there is no talent point order that I recommend – simply get her sweet garrion tree points into Impregnable and Impenetrable Fortifications for a nice reduction in damage you take along her skills. Then get Emergency protection and Rejuvenate as this will let you cycle through her active skill mroe that deals grat damage but also debuffs rallies armies attacking whatever she defends. The leftover points then are well-spent in the Archery Tree to ramp up the damage output you have with her and she will defend literally anything if you have her maxed.
I hope this guide for building Dido helped you investing without wasting much time and resources. If you liked it or you further questions (or maybe also annnotations that you believe should be added here in this guide), please don’t hesitate to post them below in the commen section. Thanks for reading and have a great day and see you out in the kingdoms.