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afk arena best joan of arc build afk arena best joan of arc build

Best Build for Joan of Arc in AFK Arena (Artifacts, Furniture, Signature Item, Emblems)

If you want to make Joan of Arc perform at peak performance in AFK Arena, you need to run the right built. While many players think simply maxing out will do the trick (well, not too wrong), there are certain sweetspots with Joan of Arc that will give a big boost so I have some recommendations below that you will very likely find interesting.

Important! If you want to check how well Joan of Arc does in the current meta of all heroes in AFK Arena, please check out my current tier list of all heroes here.

joan of arc
Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc’s Signature Item

Signature Item
Joan of Arc's Signature Item should be at +30. Impact is okayish but as she is not that vital for endgame right now and the effect is pretty expensive I wouldn't prioritize it that much but we'll see how Joan will settle in the meta in the future.. If you want to learn more about the recommended priority how you should invest into Signature Items in AFK Arena, check out our priority guide.

Furniture Recommendation

Furniture Set
Overall we recommend to get Joan of Arc's 3/9 furniture set bonus. Joan of Arc Her instant ultimate when reaching the enemy backline will give her a lot more utility, but she's not too viable towards end-game right now. If you want to learn more about in what order to unlock your heroes furniture sets, check out our Furniture Priority Guide.


Engravings are an important part for Joan of Arc and this is probably the main reason why you’re here on this page. Below you will find the optimal Engraving Levels as well as our recommended route how to invest in the Engravings as you normally don’t just have the cores lying around just waiting to max out an Engraving for a hero.

In the case of Joan of Arc you don’t have to invest into any Engravings when we talk about the absolute MINIMAL INVESTMENT to make this hero work. The RECOMMENDED INVESTMENT (the investment you should have in order to be able to make the hero work well enough), which is E30 and for those of you who really want to make Joan of Arc shine the MAXIMUM INVESTMENT (the one that makes sense, there is literally no need to invest further unless you’re a PvP whale and drop a ton of money on the game), which is E60.

The more interesting part, however, is the order how to invest your cores in the different nodes, right? Well, below you will find the perfect order to invest the cores in (simply follows the numbers – the colors of the numbers will show you if this is optimal=green or maximum=blue investment). This helps you invest your cores in the most efficient and economic way and get the most of of them with Joan of Arc:

Spending Order E0-E30

Spending Order E30+


We tested excessively to give you the perfect sweetspots of Engravings for all heroes so you get the best performance without over-investing in Engraving, which will help you progressing a lot faster in the long run. The ideal Engraving order past E30 is exclusive for AllClash Pro supporters in Patreon..

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Recommended Artifacts & Collection

If you are not that progressed in AFK Arena and don’t have access to the collections from the Goulish Gallery, Here are the artifacts that you can possible run with Joan of Arc. Please keep in mind that collections are the future so you will need to build them and use them sooner or later to progress to the later content in the game. This is more for earlier players or backups if you can’t use the recommended collection!

Oceanic Strings
Oceanic StringsBest


To unlock all possible artifacts in order how strong they are for all heroes in AFK Arena, you need to be a supporter of AllClash on Patreon.

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Now that artifacts got replaced by the collections in the Ghoulish Gallery, this whole section requires a lot more effort in building the correct collection type with the ideal substats – this lets you fine-tune heroes a lot better but also requires more details in order to work well.

This is the collection you want to run with Joan of Arc (please also mind the recommended collection skill level):

Luminous Flight
Luminous FlightSkill Level 0

Again, this is also the optimal skill level so I don’t recommend going higher than this as this means you have to sacrifice stats which are more important.

Offensive Stats

Here are the best stats to put on the collection artifact for Joan of Arc in the offensive slots:

Full ATK
Core StatFull ATK is by far the most important stat here on the collection item and you want that without exception as much as possible here.


Unlock the full stat priority for Joan of Arc's collection artifact by supporting us on Patreon.

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Defensive Stats

Here are the best stats to put on the collection artifact for Joan of Arc in the defensive slots:

DMG Resist
Core StatDMG Resist is by far the most important stat here on the collection item and you want that without exception as much as possible here.


Unlock the full stat priority for Joan of Arc's collection artifact by supporting us on Patreon.

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I hope this guide helped you to build your Joan of Arc correctly without wasting resources but also to make sure to get the best performance of the hero. If you want to see how well Joan of Arc performs in the tier list of all heroes or you want to see builds for other heroes, please refer to our basically weekly-updated tier list of heroes in AFK Arena here.

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