Awakened heroes in AFK Arena are very expensive and time-consuming to build and most F2P players need to prioritize on only one of them – even moderate spenders consider not building more than 2, maximum 3 of them. Now that there are a couple of awakened heroes in the game, I wanted to write a priority guide to help you decide which one is the best option for you and in which order I recommend building them.
Awakened Hero Priority
So, this is not a tier list, this takes more into account where the heroes have strengths and what makes them the best option and in what order you should build them.
PLEASE READ: Many people read my tier list and think the highest Awakened hero there should be the one to build but that is not the best way to do it! The ranking there are focused on end-game teams and modes as well so if you’re in a lower chapter and have no Awakened hero yet and you build a hero that works well there, it might take you a lot longer to even get to the point where you can utilize that hero well. That’s why I wrote this list as a general path where you have a rough order what hero will get you to the late/end-game before focusing on the heroes that will excel there.
F2P/Low Spenders/All Players
These first 5 heroes apply to all players, no matter if you’re F2P, low spender or whale:

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Now you have two options that comes more down to what one you want to prioritize. At this point Nightmare Corridor has a high priority so I believe these three heroes make most sense for you now:

For Hunt you can optionally also think about Awakened Antandra:

Higher Spenders
After those 5 heroes we come to the part where F2P or low spenders won’t be anytime soon and this is the section you shoud only consider if you’re investing quite some money into AFK Arena:

These heroes are not mandatory or very useful anymore and more for the highest spenders in AFK Arena (no specific order, just to describe their role):

Please nobody use this list. Just terrible. Alyca and Asafiya are considered top 4 heroes in the game almost unanimously. Also missing a bunch of Awakened heroes.
Where is Belinda, Athalia and Maetria?
You added Safiya but not Athalia and Belinda
Need Awakened Belinda on this list
cool list… thanks!