Number of buildings to destroy for 1 star

I have received some requests to make a post about how many buildings have to be destroyed to obtain the 50% needed to support BARCHing. I have done some thinking about how I can turn this into a post that doesn’t say, “Just count the number and divide by 2”. I hope I have created something that will make it easier for you to spot your BARCH/BAM-victims.


Let’s start with the simpliest method, which is counting the possible buildings. Please keep in mind that this is based on the fact that someone has all available buildings for a certain Town Hall level. I assume that for this post, because we can agree that this will be probably true in 90% of all cases. If not, this calculation has a security buffer so you still have a valid number:

  • Town Hall 5: 22 Buildings + 17 Defenses + Town Hall + 3 Builders (realistic)
  • Town Hall 6: 24 Buildings + 20 Defenses + Town Hall + 3 Builders (realistic)
  • Town Hall 7: 28 Buildings + 31 Defenses + Town Hall + 4 Builders (realistic)
  • Town Hall 8: 32 Buildings + 43 Defenses + Town Hall + 4 Builders (realistic)
  • Town Hall 9: 35 Buildings + 52 Defenses + Town Hall + 4 Builders (realistic)
  • Town Hall 10: 38 Buildings + 61 Defenses + Town Hall + 5 Builders (realistic)

Now, you have a raw number of how many buildings should be outside, or pretty easy to destroy to get your 50%:

  • Town Hall 5: 22 Buildings to destroy for Victory
  • Town Hall 6: 24 Buildings to destroy for Victory
  • Town Hall 7: 32 Buildings to destroy for Victory
  • Town Hall 8: 40 Buildings to destroy for Victory
  • Town Hall 9: 46 Buildings to destroy for Victory
  • Town Hall 10: 53 Buildings to destroy for Victory

If you’re getting bored already, I can understand, but now it gets interesting. Counting buildings before attacking is not a real process I want to recommend. There’s a reason I divided it into Defenses and other Buildings. If you look at a base, the Defenses are most likely within the Walls, and the other buildings are probably on the outside. This will help you a lot when evaluating whether to attack or not. You can have a look and tell from one short glance, how many buildings are outside the walls and then you should keep in mind the number of additional buildings you’ll need:

  • Town Hall 5: no additional buildings needed
  • Town Hall 6: no additional buildings needed
  • Town Hall 7: 2 additional buildings needed
  • Town Hall 8: 8 additional buildings needed
  • Town Hall 9: 11 additional buildings needed
  • Town Hall 10: 15 additional buildings needed

I shrunk the numbers down to the essential. Here are the numbers of the buildings you’ll need to destroy in addition to the other buildings outside the walls. From this number, you can deduct the Builder Huts this village has, and then you have the number of Defenses you have to destroy. You can now evaluate pretty easy if that’s possible or not.

Here are some examples to show you this technique:


We have a Town Hall 8 (with 4 Builder Huts, not in the Screenshot), so we need to take down at least 8 additional buildings, minus 4 Builder Huts, plus 4 Storages inside. Are you able to do this? I think this could get messy if you’re not getting in there with a Level 6 BARCH setup. The Mortars are nasty and on the top, you’ll have the Barbarian King. Would you have attacked with BARCH for 50%?

Okay, here’s another example:


Another Town Hall 8, but this time with 3 Builder Huts. Pretty obvious, you’ll have to destroy way too much inside to get close to 50%.

Last example:


23 Buildings outside, plus an extra 13 to destroy. I think we can count on sniping over the Walls with Archers or sending in some Minions.

Important: This is a very simple and plain technique to evaluate a base. There’s also Hero, Mortar placement, and so many other things to consider, but I think this will be faster than counting all the  buildings.

Good luck!

Edited by: StTroyIII

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