best team formations in last war survival game best team formations in last war survival game

Best Team Formations / Lineups in Last War Survival Game

What are the best team formations to use in Last War Survival Game? This is a question I hear a lot from you reading my tier list of heroes as sometimes it isn’t that easy to just use the best heroes you have as you have to also mind the synergies those heroes share and also how the current meta in Last War Survival game works.

So, I decided to give you a snapshot of the meta and what teams work, from earlier stages to the best team setup right now so every player will find something here to build a team that will push your progress.

Team Building in Last War Survival Game – Intuition VS The Meta

So, you have two front row positions to fill and 3 back row positions – obviously you might think that 2 tanks and 3 damage dealer or 2 tanks + 2 damage dealer + 1 support hero is the way to go. But the way new heroes come to the game and the numbers are calculated, the trend goes more towards using rather 3-4 tanks that block damage since surviving is often more important than dealing damage and the more your tanks hold up, the better your damage dealer(s) can do their work. Even some setups use just 5 tank heroes. But be aware this is more for end-game players than for players that play Last War Survival Game for a couple days or weeks.

Below I have a couple of setups that are popular in Last War Survival right now for the plain and simple reason that they work the best.

What Are The Best Team Formations in Last War?

So, let’s not waste more time and just dive into the formations that I recommend. The formations are sorted from top (best) to more budget-friendly and early-game friendly options.

#1 – Best Formation

This is the setup that runs the show in Last War Survival Game right now:

You have the strongest tanks in the frontline that hold up everything and support each other by increasing their defense. Tanks a ton and melts enemy hitpoints slowly but steadily without much that can happen.

Here are the best way to build the heroes for this lineup:

#2 – Second-Best Formation

This setup goes even more into defense with Marshall supporting as tanks can deal damage in the game and survival is important. There is no destinct shift in meta towards this and I guess there will be some more new heroes that will turn this around in the future but this team composition is the second-best for me right now.

And in terms of building your heroes for this, here is my recommended builds with gear and skill invest order:

Here are the best way to build the heroes for this lineup:

#3 – Viable Runner-Up Formations

These setups here are trending more and more recently and work also well, with different options for your 5th slot:

And in terms of building your heroes for this, here is my recommended builds with gear and skill invest order:

Here are the best way to build the heroes for this lineup:

And the variable last positions heroes:

Here are the best way to build the heroes for this lineup:

#4 – Nuke

This used to be my personal favorite lineup although the ones above has been getting better results recently. Still a great lineup in Last War Survival Game to roll:

And here is the gear and skill order I recommend if you are going for this linetup:

Here are the best way to build the heroes for this lineup:

#5 – Hybrid

This version here uses Kimberly instead of DVA which also works well.

Here are the best way to build the heroes for this lineup:

Where is the Budget Pairing?

This is a question that is hard to answer. Budget means for some players they miss the latest heroes and for some they have a few epics, so I could potentially try to make up some teams here but in general here are my recommendations that should help you alter the setups above:

  • Marshall is a great universal hero that makes all teams and heroes better so get him and build him and you can use him as a great wildcard here (recommended gear and invest order here)
  • Scarlett is the best epic tank hero and getting her is just a matter of time and building her goes a long way (recommended gear and invest order here)
  • Mason is the best damage dealer and as you get him easily early building him is not too hard and he will outclass many legendary heroes for quite a while until you build them up. He is a great damage dealer to use for a long time (recommended gear and invest order here)

With those heroes you will be able to keep up with the good builds until you hit the paywall which the game absolutely has. But those three heroes also give you a ton of flexibility to adjust the lineups above.

  1. i think this guidenis useless, with the exclusive weapon coming out, the best formation should be full tank, full aircraft or full missile

  2. Best Team Formations / Lineups in Last War Survival :
    Hello, you have put the different configurations of the best team but when this team is complete, could you give the composition of the second best team (without the players of the 1st team). And do the same thing for the 3rd team. Many thanks for the time spent and the information provided. Its a good job; Sincerely

  3. Out of curiosity. Why is DVA, nor the old wrinkly character not in the best lineup? You gave them a S+ in a different article.

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