last war survival best hero tier list last war survival best hero tier list

Tier List of Best Heroes in Last War Survival Game (Season 2 – Polar Storm)

There are several heroes in Last War: Survival that you have to build to continuously process in the game – but some heroes are better than others. Some are used in earlier stages of the game and no matter what, building a hero requires a lot of time and effort and you don’t want to invest that into a hero that might become mediocre or, even worst, useless later in Last War: Survival, right?

For this reason I have a overview and ranking below of all the available heroes in the game, no matter if they are rare, epic or legendary, to show you how well they perform.

What Heroes Work Best in Last War: Survival?

Let’s get started…

Maybe important to mention is that this list changes with new heroes and modes added to the game so please make sure to check back here to make sure that the heroes are still as good as they were when you checked last time. Also, please check out my best lineup guide here for more info how to combine your heroes.

Season 2 – Snow Storm! Similar to Season 1, with UR Violet upgrade and exclusive weapons to Marhsall and Carlie.


Tank Heroes

Here are the tank class heroes ranked.

Actually a great support hero that deals okay damage due to fact that it's penetrating damage and his main part is to increase all other heroes damage which he does very well. He might not be used in the top endgame formations but you can use him on your way there whenever your squad goes down to easily and you can also use him in aircraft or missile vehicle formations as well. Absolutely worth building, he will do his service for you.
Very durable and buffs defense and reduce damage taken very well and he is the core frontline for your tank squad that you build first. Every invest in him is not wasted.
Deals devestating area damage with her 3rd skill espcially when upgraded. It's ridiculous how much damage potential she has and once you have her 4th skill unlocked, the cooldown and base stats increase and make her deal good damage but there are better legendary heroes in Last War Survival that deal a lot more. If you have her in Season 1 and start building her Exclusive Weapon, however, she gains a ton of strength through the new mechancis and also the fact that every level of her Exclusive Weapon gives like 10% base stat boost that scale through her full kit quite impressively. Build her and she will carry you a lot.
Very durable and buffs up the front row against damage and physical damage, which almost always is the biggest source. Versatile and durable for a long time especially as he is quite well available early in the game and the core frontline of your tank squad.
mason (ur)
Mason (UR)
In Season 1 you can upgrade your maxed Mason from SSR to UR. His stats will increase significantly and he becomes more viable at this point but there are two things to mind here. The first one is you have to start over staring him up and building him and although you get your resources back, it is more expensive so your maxed SSR Mason will get you a early UR Mason. If you use him a lot think about this as it will take time until he is as strong again and from there you can make hims tronger. Secondly, if you have the top heroes, especially building the Exclusive Weapon for heroes like DVA and Kimberly, Mason will not be able to keep up so players with maxed top UR heroes will not gain much from that..
Valuable and used in the tank meta formations all the way.
violet (ur)
Violet (UR)
In Season 2 you can upgrade your maxed Violet from SSR to UR. Same as Mason in Season 1 but with the difference that Mason in SSR is already really strong and just needed the stat bump to keep up. Violet, however, is more designed to be a really helpful hero in Season 2 so that investment (after you get her from SSR to UR you have to start investing into everything from scratch again) is more a temporary one for the Season progress. I mean you decide how much you spend but if you're a low spender or even F2P I don't really see that paying off after all.
He is your early carry in terms of damage, even outshining legendaries in the beginning. But here is the important thing, once your heroes get to 3-4 Stars the legendaries simply have the higher base stats and multipliers and deal a lot more damage. In Season 1 you can then upgrade him to legendary so building him all the way for that is for most players a good decision.
Is designed to be a frontline defender and she fills that spot in your early formation really well until you have Murphy and Williams ready. She is not neccessarily worth maxing out but she will do her job for you for quite a while so investing some in her is worth it.
Can be a swap in if you need more support but also not a hero that you will use later in the game once your tank formation is done and Marshall is then the better choice.
Selfish frontline tank and honestly, there is basically no point in the game where you really use her. Early on you have better frontline and then you need the legendary frontline tank heroes for your tank formation anyway so you can easily ignore her altogether.
Maybe useful as filler very early on but I promise you after a few weeks (often even earlier) you will not even think about him anymore so also a hero here you can skip.
Not used, not worth building and you might use him very early as filler but he has no relevance in the meta whatsoever. Sad actually as I like his character design a lot. Don't kill the messenger, the developers messed him up..
After the first blocks you realize that his damage is not there because he is a defender but also there's not too much in his to be a defender. Just don't invest anything here.
After the first blocks you realize that his damage is not there because he is a defender but also there's not too much in his to be a defender. Just don't invest anything here.

Aircraft Heroes

Here are the aircraft class heroes ranked.

If you think you have seen it all, DVA shines with incredible damage. Her 1st skill deals signifcantly more damage than other legendaries and her 3rd skill simply hits all enemies with high damage once, making her the strongest damage dealer in my opinion in Last War Survival right now! Newer heroes provide other synergies so she falls off in older war zones but getting and building her is nothing you will regret to carry for quite a while. In Season 1 you will be able to build her Exclusive Weapon which even more enhance her abilities and also every level gives like 10% base stats which makes her incredbily crazy. She is the core damage of pretty much all aircraft teams and since you get her cheap and easy at the start she is useful all the way through the game.
Deals a ton of damage and on top of that reduce the defense of the targets he hit which scales up other damage against them as well and should be in every airctaft team.
She is the frontline of your aircraft team and don't get fooled by her skill descriptions, she is used there no matter what if you go against energy setups or not and one of the core aircraft heroes in Last War Survival.
Solid defender but not at the very top at this point and basically a mandatory frontline for aircraft teams once you get to build your aircraft team.
Great backrow targeting with her nuking 3rd skill and the chance to stun make her a big relief although the cooldown can really annoy sometimes with the timing going off wrong.
Sarah is a support hero you MIGHT switch in occasionally in your aircraft team unless you have it already with all legendary heroes that are built really well. She is not useless and even in later stages you find yourself using her occasionally so building her is not the worst decision to make considering all the epic heroes in Last War Survival.
Epic frontrow for your aircraft team which leaves quite mixed taste in my mouth actually. You need to build him well to do that okay-ish and even then you will replace him sooner or later with a legendary frontrow hero like Carlie and Lucius so quite some resources invested for a epic hero you will not use that long. My recommendation is, if you have to use him in your aircraft team only build him as minimalistic as needed to hold your resources together..
Can nuke incredibly well with his 3rd skill but his 1st skill is really not dealing muchd amage or doing much and cooldown sometimes can be super annoying to deal with there. Long story short... when he is viable you probably can't make a decent aircraft formation and once you do, he is not viable anymore. Not a hero to pay too much attention to.
There's nothing there that works, the damage output is so low and even after plaiyng Last War Survival for 2 hours you already have base epics that do better. Hands off, not worth it..

Missile Vehicle Heroes

Here are the missile vehicle class heroes ranked.

Outputs a ton of damage with his targeting as you are hitting so many other targets on the way and with his high base stats and high multipliers in his skills his damage output is easily the best in the game and he is such a core hero for the missile vehicle formation you're running but also useful as swap-in for other type formations (please check our formation guide and best teams for more info)..
Missile Vehicle:Attack
Incredible frontline hero but also the more damage he gets the more counterattack damage he deals which is just insanely strong. He is the top frontline of any missile vehicle formation and veryvaluable.
Missile Vehicle:Defense
Very similar to DVA for aircraft, Fiona is the nuker for your missile formation later and very strong but since you won't build that type formation that early also a hero you don't have to think about too early.
Missile Vehicle:Attack
Direct blaster with nice targeting to get rid of the targets that have low HP.
Missile Vehicle:Attack
The penetrating attack can deal quite some damage and his taunting can go both ways, either lifting pressure from other heroes but also sometimes you really don't want him to take extra damage and taunt and just be there and then he uses that skill and goes down. At the end of the day he is one of the two mandatory frontline heroes for your Missile Vehicle formation and you need to build him as soon as you build that formation..
Missile Vehicle:Defense
Slow and increases defense for the frontline and damage reduction. There are two sides of her coin here - she can be a substitute if you start building your missile vehicle formation early and don't have Adam and McGregor available but also she can't really frontline too long with her kit and stats as epic hero. I know some players call her crazy valuable but I also have seen players committing too much into building her and ending a little bit in a dead-end when they had to replace her so be careful with building her too much just because she does a great job early. You will not build your missile vehicle formation too early and by the time you do, legendary heroes are running the show so don't think you can shortcut that, it can easily backfire..
Missile Vehicle:Defense
Good nuker with his his 3rd skill but honestly not relevant for the meta at any point other than you having to fill up your squads..
Missile Vehicle:Attack
Looks a lot better on paper than he is, espcially his 3rd skill is quite underwhelming and is similar to Venom not really relevant in the meta when missile vehicles become important to you.
Missile Vehicle:Attack
There's nothing there that works, the damage output is so low and even after plaiyng Last War Survival for 2 hours you already have base epics that do better. Hands off, not worth it.
Missile Vehicle:Attack


Please write a comment below if you have any questions or maybe you’re in the opinion that I mis-ranked a hero and I will be happy to reply!

  1. I actually vouch for Kane as Team 2 with the other nuke heroes. The added bonus for same tank type brings up the team quite well – especially when you have 3 & 4 squads going and have to rely beyond your Top 10.

  2. I wish the Hero’s Troop: Tank, Missile, Aircraft Type would be listed on this page, it’s an essential part of how teams are built, and with that missing it’s hard to want to go any further on the website. this is a great starting point though. i know a lot of player who come here but don’t get all the information they need.

    things to consider:
    – Exp to next level
    – Attack, HP, Defense & Command numbers per level
    – Skills and Descriptions

  3. You have DVA as S+…. Which server are you on because I have all these maxed except Adam and DVA is not better DPS that Stetmann / Kimberly / Tesla in PVP. How are you getting these numbers?

  4. When you rated these characters, did you rate them from a maxed out position? I’m in the early stages, but DVA has less attack power than Tesla. Does this change?

    1. Scarlett sucks. One of her skills is only for zombies. She has low hp and low attack. I stopped giving her any upgrades after lvl 50.

    1. Vehicle Type is in the icon corner and skills can be looked at in the game. Sorry this is not one of those sites that type down the in-game info and call it a guide. You can look at the skills in the game, even if you don’t have the hero unlocked.

      1. This totally defeat the purpose for the paying for Patreon as I am on the newer server and detail is not there, really regret subscribing.

        1. Sorry but where did I advertise this as a wiki? This is a strategy and invest order so why do you pay for a guide how to build gear and skills for a hero you don’t have and complain I do not put the skill descriptions here if you can’t access those heroes? I am sorry you regret subsribing for that reason but I also don’t really understand your thinking progress here to complain

          1. holy shit you are really unfriendly. that guy pointed out a valid reason why your “guide” is useless for ppl on new servers and you are too lazy to proivde the information.

            For others thinking about subscribing. He does not provide line ups either. This is not worth paying for.

          2. Actually, I do provide lineups and they can be found here.

            Thank you for your comment, I really appreciate the feedback and I am very sorry that this made you feel that I am an unfriendly person or gives the impression I am a lazy person – I spend a ton of hours and also money on providing these guides. I think if a player is super new and only has access to a handful of heroes the time invested to build them is longer than it takes for the server to unlock the newer heroes so I really don’t see the point in writing down the hero skills here as they are shown in the game. So frankly you can see that calling me lazy and the guides useless out of the blue could potentially trigger me to make a reply that is not toned extremely friendly.

            But opinions can differ and it’s always easy to type down a comment and expect someone else to spend hours to do something instead of asking the question if that is REALLY useful and needed (because it’s me spending that time and not the author of the comment).

  5. dont listen to people talking about future. mason is your greatest hero, by the time the other heros pass his power, your would have been retired. f2p player will not survive the game after you get to level 20. it will be totally stuck and by level 22 it is dead. sure retirement before level 23. enjoy the greatest mason while you are still playing the game.

    1. meh, so there is really not a real possibility to enjoy the game beyond that area of level? I mean, I thought so when seeing that (of course) the legendary heroes are at some point for sure far superior (would be sad if not) but I did not see an actual possibility (besides murphy of course) to get them without paying…

  6. What about scarlet vs Monica which is better? I am using Kim, Murphy, Mason, Violet, Scarlet currently trying see who would be a good unit to replace.

    1. Tesla and Marshall are starters in any lineup imo for back line players. Williams is a fantastic Frontline guy. Lots of HP

  7. Mason is consistently my top damage dealer and one of the last ones alive if I wipe. Definitely better than B tier

    1. I don’t want to be impolite but stated that many times before and above… Mason is good until you get the better ones and comparing a (naturally) built Mason with a freshly unlocked hero is not making much of a sample data. Please y’all understand this that Mason is no late game hero in Last War and you have to make a switch away from him and build other heroes

  8. The guide is grossly misleading. There are PvE & PvP heroes, and some that are better with AOE splash damage (good vs Zombie packs) while others are single target (better for PVP). One hero is for farming. There’s also synergistism in form of classes (tank, heli, artillery) and class-(and role-)specific buffs.
    So there isn’t a best team, because it’s depending on the opponents actually.

  9. I was also surprised, that mason is seen as pretty much mediocre, even though he is the strongest damage wise in my rooster! Elsa for ne is pretty much useless but i also lvled her up and i am now paying the price

  10. Same here, Mason is damage wise outperforming anyone else in my squad, sometimes even by factor 4-5. also using your top 3 hero’s + Monica & Mason.

  11. My Mason out does any of my other heroes when it comes to damage. Most of the time he is 2x-3x higher. And I have your top 3 heroes.

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