Are you planning to or already running Ishida in Rise of Kingdoms in one of your marches and want to see how you should invest the talent points, what equipment works best and what other commanders you should pair with? Well, then you’re in the right place, below you will find answer to each one of those questions and this will help you make your Ishida perfrom as strong as possible in all situations.
Current Ranking – is Ishida S-Tier, A-Tier, or D-Tier?!
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Skill Order
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Best Troops
Take all troops for gathering, but actually, siege troops have the biggest capacity so you want to prioritize them.
Best Commander Pairing for Ishida
Pair him with whatever commander you want to take. You might get small benefits here and there in case of getting attacked but normally you’ll not going to sominate this situation unless you’re trolling. There’s no commander that has a skill that will give you a big boost so use what you want with Ishida.
Find out more about the most useful commander pairings here.
Best Equipment Forge Order
In terms of equipment, here’s what I recommend to use as the route for Ishida. I have tailored this priority order that you can follow step-by-step to prevent forging and running equipment that is not useful or only provides a very small improvement. Follow the equipment path step-by-step and you will have the best and most economical gear:
How to unlock
And for the artifacts I have tested the different ones here so you can see which ones perform the best (of course I only tested/list the ones that make sense):
The Bards Pendant will give you additional resources whenever you gather so for sure this is the most useful artifact to run.Peters Sickle will give you an additional gathering speed bonus that also works very well.
Best Builds For Ishida
Below you will find the talent tree builds for Ishida that make sense when running as the primary commander in any march in Rise of Kingdoms. Please also refer to the description below each talent tree as I explain a general route on how you should spend your talents there + some additional background for each talent build that I very likely will appreciate.Ishida is about gathering food so this is a talent build that you could use very early with him to increase the amount of food he gathers.This is the only active build that you want to use with Ishida and that’s when you use him as the primary commander to gather. This build focus on, well, of course, gathering primarily but also get some additional march speed and spending the talent points left somewhere that make most sense in the end.I don’t believe it makes sense right now to actually max him out and don’t spend your Universal Sculptures on him, but if you have gotten plenty of his sculptures fromt he chest you can use them on him and get him leveld up enough to get the nodes in the gathering tree.Okay, enough foreplay let’s talk about this talent build for Ishida now and the best order in which you should spend your talent points on him.First route will be in the Gathering Tree and you want to unlock Gathering Mastery for the resource(s) you plan to use him for first, after that getting the other ones. I’d also get the node in the middle for extra march speed as well now.Now, make your way to The More The Better to get that additional resources at the end of gathering which makes most sense to get.Then unlock Armed Convoy to get access to Superior Tools which will increase the speed you gather a lot.If you do gather with Siege Units, what makes perfect sense, then you also want to take Modified Axle to get a huge march speed increase which makes it almost impossible to catch you if someone tries to hunt your Ishida gathering army int he open field.Next up will be the Integration Tree and you should get Charge and the node with march speed behind it – this is really helpful to get away when someone really catches you and also boost your general march speed.Now head over to the Support Tree and get Hasty Departure. Hasty Departure is not only useful for the raw boost, it can also help you flee faster and you can also use resource nodes on your way to get a speed boost to get away with your army – can be really useful here and there.The rest of the talent points are basically spent to be spent and I think it’s best to spend them in the Support Tree to get some extra defense in case someone catches you – not the best thing to do but there’s simply nothing else really useful in the talent trees of Ishida left here.I’d get Burning Blood next to get to the node with extra march speed behind it and then use the rest of the points for Elixir, as Ishida has a skill with healing, and get counterattack as well as this will become available when Ishida uses his passive healing skill.2 points in Loose Formation last and you’re done with a fast gathering build that will do really well with siege units in my opnion.
I hope this guide for building Ishida helped you investing without wasting much time and resources. If you liked it or you further questions (or maybe also annnotations that you believe should be added here in this guide), please don’t hesitate to post them below in the commen section. Thanks for reading and have a great day and see you out in the kingdoms.