When building your Support ship in Sea of Conquest, you have several options when it comes to heroes and ship parts so I wanted to write this guide here to give you a clear ideal what is important to do.In later stages (and I mean if you go to Season 3 and beyond), the meta shifts so you will start to have a support ship with heroes that will provide benefits for all ships in your fleet
Important! If you want to check how well the heroes in general perform in the current meta of Sea of Conquest, please check out my current tier list of all heroes here. Also really important is that you check out my overview where I have builds for all kinds of ships and damages that will help you build your formation: Check out all ship and hero formations in Sea of Conquest here.
Best Ship for your Support Ship in Sea of Conquest
These are the ships that work best for building this team:
Best Heroes for your Support Ship
Umar is THE captain designed for running your support ship, no question or doubt about that. – Elizabeth Sheen is so incredibly strong in her role and what she does that you want her on board (phun intended…). – Laila is the meta support hero with universal attack buff for the whole fleet, rage restoration and also healing plus with her 5th skill can make several ships cheat death.
This is the setup for a great support ship that can have a lot of effects on your other ships in your fleet so you can spezialize them more while still having enough support in your fleet

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Possible alternative heroes:
Park Hae Hyun is a great replacement for the First Mate position with shielding and buffing of the whole fleet from the support shit – To see all alternative heroes you can possibly swap into this ship setup, please support us on Patreon.
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Right now there are not really much other options as your support ship needs heroes that will apply their effects to all other ships can benefit from it
Best Ship Parts
The Ship Parts need to fit the goal you want to achieve with your ship and make also an important part. Don’t just use the highest rarity or leveld ship parts here, use the ones that make the right set and ideally have the correct stats on them.
Best Ship Part Set(s)
Best Ship Part Stats
Stats are contributed randomly on your ship parts, so this gives you sometimes the annoying quest of getting a couple items that fit. As soon as you have your set bonus as above ready, it’s time to refine it with ship parts of the right set that has ideally the main stat and 2 sub-stats fitting well. Here is the effects you’re looking for:
How to unlock
I hope this guide here helps you build your ships in your formation well as this is so important for your progress long-term. Don’t just randomly throw together heroes and ships of the highest rarity, build your ships for specific causes! Also, I will update this guide with new heroes released in the future so this will be your go-to guide to see what heroes and items to work on.