best gumball cookie build best gumball cookie build

Best Build for Gumball Cookie in CookieRun: Tower of Adventures (Artifact, Gear)

Getting the best performance with Gumball Cookie requires using the right built, espcially artifacts and gear. While the ‘best’ is quite obvious to pick, we also tested the alternatives for those players that simply don’t have the best possible artifacts and gear available (yet).

Before we start, please also see here how Gumball Cookie performs in general among all cookies in CookieRun Tower of Adventures:

The BEST Build for Gumball Cookie

Best Alternative Artifacts for Gumball Cookie

For artifacts there is an interesting mechanic in play in CookieRun Tower of Adventure – you can freely use artifacts since they are not limited to certain classes or cookies. Of course, they are designed towards a certain cookie or class, but sometimes other artifacts also work really well – here are our test results with the other artifacts:

Newest Formula
Newest Formula
Artistic Flourish
Artistic Flourish
Warriors Oath
Warriors Oath
Little Spark Big BOOM
Little Spark Big BOOM

Best Equipment Items Each Slot) for Gumball Cookie

Also for equipment there are many options you can use before upgrading a gear item. The secret here is not to use the gear that appears strongest, since upgrading the gear will be your bottleneck. Our strategy here gives you the best order of gear items you should use and how much to upgrade them to really make sense.

Best Weapon

Let’s start with the weapon slot.

Toothless Bread Knife
Toothless Bread Knife - Level 1 this is the best uncommon weapon to use but to be fair you can use any and get the most out of it and you will swap it out soon anyway. Do not level it up, it's a waste of resources
Wooden Practice Sword
Wooden Practice Sword - Level 1 is the best fit for either dealing damage in early stages or supporting through the ultimate
Wooden Practice Sword
Wooden Practice Sword - Level 40 is a good idea since I actually recommend skipping the blue weapon altogether and just max this green weapon out. It works better than any maxed blue weapon
Golden Orange Choco Spear
Golden Orange Choco Spear - Level 15 when you make the jump to the epic weapon, this is your choice since you want some damage on Gumball Cookie either as a damage dealer or for him in the support role to enable higher elemental damage with your main carry cookie. Be aware that to make the epic weapon as effective as the maxed out green one in this order, you have to upgrade the Golden Orange Choco Spear to Leel 15
Golden Orange Choco Spear
Golden Orange Choco Spear - Level 30 upgrading it all to the max is a little excessive here since you very unlikely use Gumball Cookie as your main carry to deal the main damage. Still, he contributes and it can take some time to get his unique weapon so this is for me a sweetspot while not investing too much but still kepp up the pace stat-wise
Chewy Gumball Cannon
Chewy Gumball Cannon - Level 10 is his unique weapon and for the special ability alone worth using. Overall, at this point Gumball is a pure support for your main carry damage dealing cookie (most of the time Cream Soda Cookie), so his damage in the bigger picture is not the primary thing and he more enables his Elemental RES so the main damage cookie can do the works
Chewy Gumball Cannon
Chewy Gumball Cannon - Level 30 I wouldn't really upgrade it higher than that as the effect is so little compared to the invest and there are for sure other gear pieces now that you should be working on on your main carry cookie instead

Best Headwear

Now let’s have a look at the hat slot:

Old-fashioned Cap
Old-fashioned Cap - Level 1 is very likely the most stable uncommon headgear equipment for Gumball Cookie that early in the game but you can actually pick whatever you have since you will replace it very soon. No need to level it up
Apprentices Cone Cap
Apprentices Cone Cap - Level 1 is the common gear item we recommend for this slot. Also here, there is no real reason to invest into upgrading it since nothing is too special and you will replace it soon enough
Choco Cake Top Hat
Choco Cake Top Hat - Level 1 is the blue gear and considering the fact how much you will do with it this is the first headgear item you actually should level up to some degree
Choco Cake Top Hat
Choco Cake Top Hat - Level 50 this is an upgrade that makes sense especially as Gumball Cookie is still doing quite some damage at this point before transforming in more of a support role. I actually recommend maxing that out and skipping the epic gear item to save resources since the impact of a maxed epic headwear versus the maxed blue is actually really low. This way you free up resources for other gear on other cookies while still maintaining most of the effect Gumball Cookie has in your lineup


Save tons of Artisan Sugar by following our optimized equipment order and don't waste your time and resources on gear upgrades that are not worth it. You can unlock the full path by supporting AllClash on Patreon..

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How to unlock

Best Bodywear

Now let’s have a look at the chest slot:

Warm Brown Sweater
Warm Brown Sweater - Level 1 in terms of stats this makes most sense but you would only use this really early and swap out soon so don't beat yourself up if you don't use it
Hardened Chocoleather Armor
Hardened Chocoleather Armor - Level 1 is the green gear item that makes most sense here with her. I also wouldn't really bother upgrading it to be honest since the stats you gain are quite small and you will not use it for too long
Rusty Chainmail
Rusty Chainmail - Level 1 is a nice improvement from the green one, even at Level 1 unless you upgraded the green chest piece. At this point Gumball Cookie is still a viable damage dealer so you will gain a push from making sure he does deal his damage before he transforms his role into more supporting your main carry
Rusty Chainmail
Rusty Chainmail - Level 20 Also here, upgrading is looking at the biggest picture not that neccessary. I recommend to do it unless you already have a well-running Cream Soda Cookie running along him, then youc an skip this upgrade


Save tons of Artisan Sugar by following our optimized equipment order and don't waste your time and resources on gear upgrades that are not worth it. You can unlock the full path by supporting AllClash on Patreon..

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How to unlock

Best Legwear

Now let’s have a look at the legs slot:

Easy Jeans
Easy Jeans - Level 1 are alright and the only common legwear gear that have ATK on them so use them. I wouldn't upgrade them, though
Hardwood Shin Guards
Hardwood Shin Guards - Level 1 are a nice improvement in ATK compared to the common ones and the ones you will wear quite a bit
Hardwood Shin Guards
Hardwood Shin Guards - Level 30 I recommend to max them out since there is no blue gear that makes sense in terms of making a huge improvement and you will end up spend quite some resources upgrading for a tiny effect. There is some incredible epic option you're relly looking for
Mystical Starlight Skirt
Mystical Starlight Skirt - Level 1 here we go and at this point Gumballs role transforms away from dealing damage to more apply the RES debuff for your main carry (ideally Cream Soda Cookie) so this is a perfect gear item


Save tons of Artisan Sugar by following our optimized equipment order and don't waste your time and resources on gear upgrades that are not worth it. You can unlock the full path by supporting AllClash on Patreon..

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How to unlock


I hope this guide helped you prioritizing and planning your build ahead without wasting any resources. Also, take a look at the team and lineup guide.

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