best rye cookie build best rye cookie build

Best Build for Rye Cookie in CookieRun: Tower of Adventures (Artifact, Gear)

Getting the best performance with Rye Cookie requires using the right built, espcially artifacts and gear. While the ‘best’ is quite obvious to pick, we also tested the alternatives for those players that simply don’t have the best possible artifacts and gear available (yet).

Before we start, please also see here how Rye Cookie performs in general among all cookies in CookieRun Tower of Adventures:

The BEST Build for Rye Cookie

Best Alternative Artifacts for Rye Cookie

For artifacts there is an interesting mechanic in play in CookieRun Tower of Adventure – you can freely use artifacts since they are not limited to certain classes or cookies. Of course, they are designed towards a certain cookie or class, but sometimes other artifacts also work really well – here are our test results with the other artifacts:

Sunset Pursuit
Sunset Pursuit
Artistic Flourish
Artistic Flourish
Strange Brewing Table
Strange Brewing Table
Rain of Forks
Rain of Forks
Morale Recharge
Morale Recharge
Sweetness Explosion
Sweetness Explosion
Warriors Oath
Warriors Oath

Best Equipment Items Each Slot) for Rye Cookie

Also for equipment there are many options you can use before upgrading a gear item. The secret here is not to use the gear that appears strongest, since upgrading the gear will be your bottleneck. Our strategy here gives you the best order of gear items you should use and how much to upgrade them to really make sense.

Best Weapon

Let’s start with the weapon slot.

Toothless Bread Knife
Toothless Bread Knife - Level 1 is great, espcially when you pulled her artifact that gives higher crit damage constantly so even the small crit rate here does something with the amount of shots you will fire. I wouldn't upgrade it, though
Discolored Dagger
Discolored Dagger - Level 1 has a lot more crit rate that you will love here, espcially when you pulled her artifact. Also here I would not upgrade it and save the resources and keep it at Level 1 for now
Outlaws Poker
Outlaws Poker - Level 1 now we're really talking crit rate and by now you hopefull have either her artifact or use one other than gives crit boost. This blue gear is worth upgrading now looking at Rye Cookies kit and role at this stage of the game
Outlaws Poker
Outlaws Poker - Level 30 upgrading this weapon is worth it since the crit rate and the fire rate with the higher crit damage you have on Rye Cookie make her your main damage dealer for the msot parts at this point. No need to max it though and I think level 30 is enough to keep your stats viable until youg et the epic weapon to use on her
Boomerang Candy
Boomerang Candy - Level 1 unless you maxed out the Outlaw Poker, this is already at Level 1 an improvement in crit rate and for the most parts will do its job well
Boomerang Candy
Boomerang Candy - Level 40 while waiting for her unique weapon, the crit rate will carry here and upgrading this weapon is so worth it. AT this point you have her artifact so you constantly hit really hard with crits + make a lot of hits that make her a great damage dealing cookie agianst single targets or even multiple targets
Bittersweet Rye Pistols
Bittersweet Rye Pistols - Level 10 is her exclusive weapon and now things shift away from criting but her main damage increases. To make that shift in stats transform into the same damage, you very likely need at least Level 10-20 on her unique weapon
Bittersweet Rye Pistols
Bittersweet Rye Pistols - Max using Rye Cookie with her unique weapon works well and maxing it out is for sure worth it

Best Headwear

Now let’s have a look at the hat slot:

Plain Straw Hat
Plain Straw Hat - Level 1 gives along the other gear with crit here a nice boost, espcially if you pulled her artifact so you have the increased crit damage constantly active
Plain Straw Hat
Plain Straw Hat - Level 30 is actually one of the few uncommon gear pieces in the game I recommend leveling or in this case even maxing out. The reason is that the green and the blue options are lackluster that only provide crit damage. And here comes the surprise, if you go that way, your crits will hit ahrder but at this point your crit rate is so low that the damage is super squishy and no reliable so you rather want to keep that gear item here longer and be more reliable, save up resources to upgrade other gear in the meantime and then switch to the epic gear that makes sense
Radiant Golden Rose Crown
Radiant Golden Rose Crown - Level 1 here we go with the big improvement and use it right when you have access to it. This will give a ton more crit rate along with the other gear recommended in this guide and make her crit hard, often and constantly a lot and ramp up the damage to new heights
Radiant Golden Rose Crown
Radiant Golden Rose Crown - Level 60 maxing this one out is worth it for multiple reasons - you will have high damage and crits until you make the transition to high base damage and the only reason to use the super epic piece is the set bonus. So, if you don't have the Wind Spirits leg and body piece so you can make the set bonus happen, you want to run the RAdiant Rose Crown. And this can take a long time, this is why this upgrade here is actually worth it


Save tons of Artisan Sugar by following our optimized equipment order and don't waste your time and resources on gear upgrades that are not worth it. You can unlock the full path by supporting AllClash on Patreon..

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How to unlock

Best Bodywear

Now let’s have a look at the chest slot:

Warm Brown Sweater
Warm Brown Sweater - Level 1 in terms of stats this makes most sense but you would only use this really early and swap out soon so don't beat yourself up if you don't use it
Hardened Chocoleather Armor
Hardened Chocoleather Armor - Level 1 is the green gear item that makes most sense here with her. I also wouldn't really bother upgrading it to be honest since the stats you gain are quite small and you will not use it for too long
Adventurers Tunic
Adventurers Tunic - Level 1 here we get some crit rate and like the other lower-rarity gear items here with her crit rate makes sense before you reach the very end with her kit to get the most damage since she also auto-scales her crit damage. In this case I would keep this gear item at Level 1 since it delivers what you need and you don't have to pump too many resources into it at this point
Black Gothic Dress
Black Gothic Dress - Level 1 is another good crit rate gear item that you want and this will be used for quite a while and make her perform so well in the medium stages of the game. Please make sure to follow my upgrade level recommendation below!


Save tons of Artisan Sugar by following our optimized equipment order and don't waste your time and resources on gear upgrades that are not worth it. You can unlock the full path by supporting AllClash on Patreon..

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How to unlock

Best Legwear

Now let’s have a look at the legs slot:

Easy Jeans
Easy Jeans - Level 1 are alright and the only common legwear gear that have ATK on them so use them. I wouldn't upgrade them, though
Hardwood Shin Guards
Hardwood Shin Guards - Level 1 are a nice improvement in ATK compared to the common ones and the ones you will wear quite a bit
Hardwood Shin Guards
Hardwood Shin Guards - Level 30 I recommend to max them out since there is no blue gear that makes sense, even the Edgy Leather Pants don't make sense since the Crit Damage on them will trigger rarely since you don't have much crit rate with the other gear items that solid base attack works better here. Do yourself a favor and save yourself some resources that are better spent on other gear in the meantime
Aurum Dragon Armor
Aurum Dragon Armor - Level 1 is a nice improvement from the even maxed green legwear and scale best throughout her skills and kit overall


Save tons of Artisan Sugar by following our optimized equipment order and don't waste your time and resources on gear upgrades that are not worth it. You can unlock the full path by supporting AllClash on Patreon..

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How to unlock


I hope this guide helped you prioritizing and planning your build ahead without wasting any resources. Also, take a look at the team and lineup guide.

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