There are a couple of things to mind when building Eileen in Sea of Conquest to work well in your formations, what ship parts to use, what ships to use with, what stats you need on your ship parts and also what other heroes to pair with.
Youβre in the right place, below you will find answer to each one of those questions and this will help you make your Eileen perfrom as strong as possible while not mindlessly pumping endless resources into building the hero.
Current Ranking – is Eileen S-Tier, A-Tier, or D-Tier?!
See how Eileen is ranking in the different game modes of Sea of Conquest in my current tier list here and also make sure that youβre running the right ship setups and damage types in Sea of Conquest or you might really affect your progress negatively β I have an updated guide on the best ship types to build in Sea of Conquest here
Skill Order

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Best Ships To Command
Best Trinkets
How to unlock
Chain of Bombs increases attack without any conditions which scales also with this hero kit well. Spyglass increases attack without any conditions which scales also with this hero kit well.
Best Hero Pairing for Eileen
Barnacle is the Captain you want to run with Eileen on your ship dealing Drowning Damage together, using the same scalers, apply and benefit with their passives from each other applying the damage over time (See full build here).
Mad Dog as the Gunner with Eileen makes absolutely sense with the way they deal the Drowning damage and profit with their passives from each others Taking-on Water damage over time effect on the targets (See full build here).
Cursed Ed inreases all damage types so he naturally also works great with this hero. You can use it with every formation but if you can, I might rather use him on another ship for more effect. Remember, his target debuff also works when he is on another ship (See full build here).
Jango makes the heroes on your ship with Eileen use their skills more often and apply their damage over tie more often that, at the end of the day, do quite a big junk of the total damage so he can always be on board if youβre short one Drowning Damage hero (See full build here).
Best Ship Parts
Ship Parts in Sea of Conquest belong to different sets and have random stats on them and although you equip them on your ships, they need to compliment the heroes you*re using. So, when runngin Eileen these are the sets you should aim for:
How to unlock
I hope this guide for building Eileen helped you investing without wasting much time and resources. If you liked it or you further questions (or maybe also annnotations that you believe should be added here in this guide), please donβt hesitate to post them below in the comment section. Thanks for reading and have a great day.