There are some ways to build Cyclone right in Watcher of Realms but you can also make some crucial mistakes if you don’t focus on the correct stats that will not only cost you a lot of Gold, they can also keep Cyclone performing at the best. So, below you find all the gear, stats and artefacts that you should focus on if you plan on running Cyclone in Watcher of Realms correctly.
Important! Check out my Hero Tier List that I just updated to see how Cyclone performs among all heroes in the game.
Regarding the most recent added sets:
NEW! The new T3 gear sets are now in the builds along some other minot tweaks.
Best Gear & Stats for Cyclone
When we’re talking about the best gear for Cyclone in Watcher of Realms, there are several important things to keep in mind. How important are basic attacks and attack speed, does this hero focus on triggering the ultimate skill often and frequently and what stats really scale the performance? For that reason there are sets that you should focus on for the set bonus that goes well with the kit of the hero, but also – and many players don’t mind that enough – even more important are the stats on the set. What is it worth if I get a set bonus that gives something like +10% DMG or +10% HP when I miss out on much more useful substats? I have below all the stats in priority that you can easily use to see if you want to use a certain gear piece for Cyclone or not, but before I’d like to show you what’s meant with the terms Set Bonus, Main Stat and Sub Stats:
So what you’re basically aiming for is using set items that will give you a useful Set Bonus, with the correct Main Stats and ideally 2 or more ideal sub stats. Please keep in mind that there are sets for your main gear (chest and weapon) and for your accessories (ring, necklace and belt):
Best Sets for Cyclone
The gear sets are divided and depend to what Stage of Gear Raid I you have access to. Let’s start with the main gear items (Weapon and Chest):
Very important! Just because there are new sets available make them automatically better alltogether, sometimes a set that was available in the lower Stages will still work but with the new rarity you get better.
And now the accessory gear sets that always have 3-set-items and are available in Gear Raid II,Gear Raid III and the new Gear Raid IV that becomes available once you have cleared Gear Raids 1-3 Stage 18 at least once:
How to unlock
The testing here works the same as with the main gear sets and also here it is relevant what rarity you have access to in Gear Raid II/III/IV.
Sub-Stat Priority
Now here comes the most important part. The gear sets are nice and give you a bonus that suits the hero, but you have to build the stats on point for the kit to work and there are many pitfalls. Too much attack without crit will not deliver DPS, not enough attack will not scale enough, how much HP should you have, what is the perfect attack speed? Those are all very important parts that can make or break a hero in Watcher of Realms. Below you will find the best stats to look out for to have on your gear items + my recommended numbers to build your hero for.
Please also mind that sub stats get randomly assigned to gear items so you can use that to refine a gear item completely to fit your hero. Also mind, aiming to have the main stat and two of the sub stats fitting the below recommendations is enough as fitting all of them is almost always impossible unless you want to spend months of farming Gear Raid!
How to unlock
Of course you can also go for the flat stats instead of the percentage stats if the gear items fits really well – but starting yellow rarity the percentage stats will simply scale a lot more than the flat stats! To help you more fine-tune, here are the rough stats you should be building Cyclone for, depending what rarity of gear you have access to. If you have only access to epic gear, check the purple value, access to legendary gear check the orange value and once you have access to mythic and above gear, please refer to the red value
Again, those are rough figures but if you see that one of your stats dramatically differs you see what sub-stats you should put more priority on. Also here go by the priority below, so first look to get your ATK on all gear items as the highest priority, ideally as main stat as well, then build your Crit Rate to get in the rough area that I recommend above and then you can see if you get items that will bump up Rage Regen and Crit Damage.
Awaken Priorities
In order to decide if you want to use Universal Awakening Stones instead of hero copies for Awakening levels I have also every Awakening ranked so you will see if you should get them. If an Awakneing is ranked S or S+ your really can aim to spend Universal Awakening Stones in awakening, the other ones are not that much worth it. How does it help? Well, let’s say you’re at Awakening I and see that Awakening II or III are not that great but Awakening IV is, you should not spend Universal Awakening Stones for that hero unless you have 3 of them so you can bring the hero to Awakening IV.
Please mind, these rankings are the evaluation for the hero and the kit and help you IF you build this hero, not a general priority. Some heroes are not worth building and even some of their Awakenings are good for their kit doesn’t mean you should invest Universal Awakening Stones!
Artifact Recommendations for Cyclone
Let’s talk about the Artifacts that will suit Cyclone overall kit and role in Watcher of Realms. I have here an adapted tier list individually for this hero that is slightly different from the general artifact ier list that you can find here:
How to unlock
This is everything you need to know to build Cyclone to the best performance in Watcher of Realms. If you’re looking for complete builds for other heroes, please find them all linked the the frequently updated tier list here.