marvel snap best forge decks marvel snap best forge decks

The BEST Forge Decks + Synergies in MARVEL SNAP

Are you looking for a deck that you can play with Forge in it in Marvel Snap? Forge can open up some interesting possibilities so I feel you will like this guide here – please mind, this guide here is getting the good decks directly from my popular meta decks list and gets updated each time I update my meta decks (at last once or twice per week), so you will never find any outdated decks here that are not flagged as old and outdated.

Is Forge A Good Card in MARVEL SNAP?

Forge can increase the power of the following card and when played with cards that duplicate their power, they can scale up faster and higher overall..

Forge in current decks that do well in the meta: Should only be paired with cards that go well with him as there are many good 2-cost cards in the game that would be a better choice then.

Good Synergies with Forge

Human Torch
scales up a lot faster when played on Forge, so moving Human Toruch twice will make him a 12-power card, which is do-able
works the same as Human Torch just by destroying him and Forge is an amazing scaler, espcially wehn you can feed Forge into a destroy card, too

also scales well with Forge as the added power of Forge will also apply to the Broodlings. So, you can turn Brood through Forge from an effective 6-power to a 12-power card
can eat up Forge after he buffed and gain additonal +2 power, which is more than the 1 power Forge initially has
multiplies power when destroyed so giving him the +2 power through Forge will gain +4 power (or even more with Arnim Zola)

The Best Forge Decks

The decks here are ranked by how well the decks perform in the current meta. As I said earlier in this guide, the table will get updated every time I update the meta deck tier list here automatically!

SurfHeart – Tier A

Silver Surfer also has a part of the meta with a classic archetype of decks still working well

Honest Destroy – Tier A

If you want to rock with destroy this season, X-23 is the card you have to use. This is the most solid destroy deck in MARVEL SNAP right now!

Missing Cards for this deck?!

Absorbing Shaw – Tier A

Interesting archetype of deck that can cause quite some trouble for other decks if you enjoy this archetype

Missing Cards for this deck?!

Loki Bounce – Tier B

Loki was very niche past season but along Bounce he works a little bit more stable this season.

Missing Cards for this deck?!


I hope you liked this overview of the best Forge decks in Marvel Snap today and find them helpful to run one of them this season – I’m sure they will be one of the strongest and you can push your rank quite well with it. If you have questions or annotations to the decks, please don’t hesitate to write a comment below and I’ll be more than happy to reply.

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