best gods in gods raid best gods in gods raid

Strongest Gods in Gods Raid

Gods enhance heroes in Gods Raid which is a really cool approach the game has – but also the gods are differently working well and not just enhance your team a bit, they have a huge impact!

This and the fact that they are very different in power and how long it takes to build a god in Gods Raid wanted me to write this tier list here to help you identify the gods that are worth investing and running.

What Are The Best Gods in Gods Raid?

Gods support heroes with their different abilities and there are huge differences in how big their impact is, not just based on the hero you enchant them on. Below you find their abilities ranked to help you decide in what gods you should invest in Gods Raid.

Also, please mind that the gods support heroes so this list goes really close with my tier list of the best heroes in Gods Raid here.


  • LokiS+
    Right now broken and makes teams that can't die
  • ThorS
    Massive damage, stuns and also scales by target HP makes him an incredible god to run in your team
  • OdinS
    Incredible in PvP when you can silence the enemy team for 10 seconds, espcially with such a low MP requirement
  • HorusA+
    Crazy damage when used and the burn effects even makes it better against sturdy setups
  • FreyjaA+
    Can be really crazy when you can bring back your team
  • HadesA+
    Crazy passive effect to have, epscially in PvP situations when you have a permanent critting hero running extra 15 seconds
  • ZeusA+
    Nice and useful basically all the time - but it is randomly happening. At the end of the day there is never a bad situation for that, though.
  • PoseidonA
    a bunch of damage and good shielding make him a good god you get early in the game, but the long cooldown and high MP cost are not letting him enter the top of the gods in Gods Raid in my opinion
  • ApollonA
    Great healing if you need it and hard to get down, but honestly I see this more viable in PvP as you normally have a support hero in your setup that can keep your team alive
  • TyrA
    works great on heroes with high ATK to burst and you can pop it early to have it until the end - but the buff is not too crazy overall
  • AthenaA
    7 seconds of invincibility that can be situationally used really well but not a everyday god in Gods Raid
  • AphroditeA
    Nice in PvP to clean all debuffs
  • DionysosA
    Nice universal booster for your team energy, although i find the MP requirements quite high to call him overpowered
  • AsuraA
    Can stack up well
  • MimirA
    Great with the ACC and CRIT for 12 seconds to really deal some damage, espcially against all damage mitigating stuff the enemy has up.
  • HephaistosB+
    low MP requirements and quite some duration for a good team attack buff make him a solid red rarity god in Gods Raid
  • IdunB+
    Nice team heal actually espcially when you run her with a hero in the team that shields well. And she gives ACC which is so incredible important in Gods Raid
  • BaldurB+
    Mitigates damage a lot against burst
  • IsisB+
    In poison teams very strong but also depends on the paison meta
  • AnubisB+
    Nice universal shielding. Not oustanding but solid god in Gods Raid
  • HermesB+
    Good for PvP when you need speed but also the MP requirement block other gods
  • CharonB+
    Use him on a chunky hero with a ton of max HP that is supposed to die in PvP is massive and the only real reason to use this god in Gods Raid
  • ArtemisB
    helps sniping through tanks but overall not too impressive. Only great is the low MP requirement
  • SurturB
    Passive effect that frequently deals damage which is not too bad but also not too crazy at the end of the day
  • BastetB
    I find her kit quite rng and not too great
  • SkathiB
    Really depends on the situation and hero you use her on
  • HeimdallB
    Very niche as you might want to use it on assassin heroes but they already can teleport. Can be an additional ult for them but also do they need it?
  • HelaB
    Summoning which is alright to solve troublesome situations but the summons are fragile against AoE damage
  • AresB
    Okay buff but also not too impressive considering the MP requirements
  • VidarB
    Good for heroes that live off a big health pool
  • ThemisC+
    Can scale on a hero with a big HP pool but overall not too well
  • NikeC+
    Okay but nothing more
  • TisiphoneC
    Not a fan here. Can maybe work on cheese setups and PvP but I see too many better options here


This tier list hopefully gives you an idea in what gods you should trust early on and develop as it is quite a long way to evolve them high enough to make your teams work really well.

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