golf cash wind calculator 2020 golf cash wind calculator 2020

Golf Clash Wind Calculator by AllClash

Wind Adjustment is the single most important thing is Golf Clash, but I think I don’t need to explain that to you. The problem is that will guessing the adjustment is normally pretty wrong, especially when you need to play close to the rough line.

Most charts out there are not really useful because they are huge tables that you have to go through and it simply takes too long to get the amount of rings you need to adjust to get the right position to aim for.

Wind will always change the direction of the ball and the stronger the wind is and the higher the distance, the more the direction will change. With adjusting the wind with the “ring method” means you will set a different spot that you’re shooting at and the wind will take the ball to the position that you want it to be.

Please read the instructions below!


How To Use The Calculator

I have made the calculator below to let you easily insert the wind you have with the club & ball you’re using and you will get the correct adjustments you need to make.

golf clash wind calculator wind strengthWind – please enter here the wind you’re seeing on the screen. If you use a ball that will reduce the wind please insert the reduced wind. The wind calculator always works with the wind that you really have to play with and when your ball reduces the wind, that’s the wind you need to adjust to.

golf clash wind calculator club selectionClub / Club Level – obviously, this is the club you’re currently playing with. The wind adjustment depends also on the level of your club so make sure that you’re selecting that right. I’d already select it BEFORE you start your play to save precious time, especially in tournament.

golf clash wind calculator ball powerBall Power – if you use a ball with Power I to Power V please also select that. More power means you ball will go further and this will also have an impact on the result

Result – you will see the amount of rings you need to adjust in the bottom three fields when you entered the values correctly. This is the amount of rings you need according to the ring method I described above.

You will see three results there – MIN, MEDIUM & MAX Range. Here you need to take a look what distance you’re playing. You will see MIN and MAX range when dragging your position as you can see in the image (the red line that appears). If you’re in between use the MID range.

The Ring Method

The Ring Method works pretty well with 3 steps:

golf clash ring method set positionStep 1 – set your desired landing position that you want to ball to land, this is your goal target where you want the ball to bounce.

Ignore the wind here completely, just plan your shot and when you have your desired landing position set, we will take care of the wind adjustment.

golf clash ring method turn cameraStep 2 – Now you need to adjust the wind so you will rotate the camera so you’re facing the wind straight, this will help adjusting the wind direction in the correct line. Doing it without rotation is also possible for advanced players but for starters I really recommend you to rotate the camera!

golf clash ring method adjust positionStep 3 – now you move the landing position against the direction of the wind to make the wind take the ball to your position you have chosen in Step 1. The secret now is to know how much to adjust, right? Well, here you can use the rings in the different colors yellow, orange, blue, transparent and white. The calculator below will tell you how many rings you will need to adjust.

Let’s say the calculator tells you to adjust 2.5 rings, then you will move the landing position against the wind direction until the middle of the blue ring is your desired landing position. (Yellow Ring = 1, Orange Ring = 2, Blue Ring = 3 etc.)

Step 4 – Hit a perfect shot 🙂

What Parameter Will Change the Wind Adjustment

In general, there are some things that will determine how much the wind will change the direction of your ball:

  1. The strength of the wind, the stronger the wind, the more the distraction
  2. The distance. The longer you will hit the ball the longer the wind has an impact on the direction of you ball
  3. Your club accuracy / power of your ball


    1. Just open your golf bag & on the bottom left corner of the square on the clubs is a number that is showing is your club level

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