Building Wind Rider in Castle Clash can become quite a hustle with all the different talents, insignias and enchantments available int the game (and not even talking about the ones that get frequently released). We have tested all different builds for Wind Rider and continuously update this guide here to make sure you can always find the most-recent talent build here.
Current Ranking – is Wind Rider S-Tier, A-Tier, or D-Tier?!
See how Wind Rider is ranking in the different modes of Castle Clash in my frequently-updated tier list here. Important! Don’t miss out on free Gems, Chests, Boosters and frequently check my list of active gift codes for Castle Clash here.
Let’s get back to the build…
Wind Rider Build
If you build this her, and honestly that is quite an IF, you want to go for survivability
How to unlock
Revive gives her another shot if you fail to keep him alive and for me that is more important than squeezing the last bit out of him and risk him dying and take everyone down with him .
Survival is the alternative talent that will let him negate all damage which works as well but for me not the top choice with her honestly .
How to unlock
Ancient Insight is my favorite isnignia with for two reasons – the flat damage reduction is simply great and helps a lot on keeping him alive and the frequent ignoring immunity effects along with his aura that deals massive damage is great to get down certain enemy heroes .
Winged Rebirth can also work well to get him back on the field once he got killed. I personally like damage reduction more, though, as if the enemy amnages to take him down they can do it again .
I hope this helps you building Wind Rider and I try to keep this guide here as well updated as possible – if you have any other talents, insignia or enchantments that you believe should be listed here, don’t hesitate and drop a comment below.