More than 100 skills to pick up make countless combinations in Archero 2 and since there are no detailed numbers anywhere in the game that will actually tell you how much a skill does, we decided to not only give you an overview of the skills there are in Archero 2, but also give you specific numbers how much they scale, how much damage they do and how well they can be combined with the different builds in the game.
Builds & Skill in Archero 2 – How Do Things Come Together?
As you might have read in our builds guide (if not, you can find the builds guide for Archero 2 here), there are main damage archetypes that define which gear you want to use – this gets more complex since the builds prefer different skills so it’s not possible to say “oh well this skill is great and this one not”, since with the exception of a couple of skill that are universal, the skills have different strength with the different builds.
For that reason you find below different rankings for the skills:
Legendary Skills
Epic Skills
Rare Skills
Fine Skills
I hope this overview helps you and we always try to make it better, so if you have some numbers that are missing here for multilicators or want to add/change something, please write a comment below.