Builds are a lot more elemental in Archero 2 than they were in Archero where basically you put together the strongest gear. In Archero 2, however, you have the main archetypes of damage which are Combo, Crit, Blast, Close-Range that will be mainly determined by the gear you use. And mixing them together makes you leave a lot of damage potential on the table.
Sounds all annoying or confusing? Well, no worries it is actually pretty straightforward and below I not only have quick guides that explain that, you will also find links to the recommended gear loadouts to use so you can just copy that into your account without having to mind too much.
The Best Gear Builds in Archero 2
Also, very important, check out the general gear guide here to see in general how the different gear items perform. Right now, there are 3 main archetype builds that you can use:
- Combo Build uses the combo count (how often you hit consecutivelywithout timeout or suffering damage) and while increase your stats based on that. A ranged build that will get faster and faster the higher you get and probably the easiest for F2P and early players BUT since the devs in open beta released the S-Rank set for it later, many other players have already invested in other builds
- Blast Build triggered AoE explosions and deals additional blast damage based on that. For most players the entry point if you manage to get the S-Rank Crossbow from the initial 7-Days event
- Close Build is creating a ring around you in which enemies will suffer a lot more damage and cries. The biggest damage build but also more complicated to build since you always have to avoid hitting enemies but still try to stay close enough for them. Not necessarily a build I would recommend for new players but you do you, still makes a lot of fun once you get used to it
Popular Builds
I hope this overview helps you to plan ahead and see where you want to take your account – ideally you have loadouts for each build but in reality it is simply too expensive and for most players the golden rule in Archero 2 is to stick to one build and evolve that constantly.