Building Undine in Monster Never Cry is vital for success as after eveling up is easy, the way to make full use of the skill kit requires you to put the correct runes and glyps on. I know, the game itself has this little tutorial part that is supposed to give you recommendations, but to be honest they haven’t updated that since a long time or it was created very generic. We have tested all combinations to give you some real recommendations what to equip here to make your Undine run smoothly and fine.
Should you invest in Undine? Well, we have a frequently updated tier list here on AllClash to give you some recommendations which heroes are worth it and which ones shouldn’t be too high on your priority list:
Important! Please also make sure to check out my frequently updated tier list of the best monsters.
IMPORTANT: The recommended builds of monsters inside the game are not ideal and very generic and if you build your monsters according to that, you will leave a lot of their potential on the table!
Best Magic Device for Undine
Equipping a Magic Device can turn shadow into light here and we tested all of them to show you how well they all perform. If you don’t have the top one you can still see what other options make sense:
How to unlock
Best Glyphs and Runes for Undine
There are two very important things to note when it comes ro glyphs and runes in Monster Never Cry:
Every rune can have multiple rune skills and you should always roll them until you have the perfect ones. But the more important things to know is that Rune and Glyph Skills do NOT stack. This means if you have the same skill on your rune and your glyph, only the stronger one will be active and the other one will be useless!
Also note that the skills are equally strong on glyphs and runes, so the recommendations in the the game often shows you somewhat like 2-3 skills but after all with higher rarity runes and glyphs you can equip more and often enough players equip the same skills there based on the recommendations and end up wasting slots since the skills will not stack! In this example in the image above, Composure will only work once and you won’t get the bonus twice so using both would simply waste the glyph.
Here are the strength of all viable rune/glyph skills for Undine so you can see which ones you should use and also what ones you have available and how well they fit:
How to unlock
Again, the build recommendations you see inside the game are really not perfect so use the recommend builds above and see your monsters perform a lot better, espcially when you can*t get past your next stage without simply leveling up a little but to beat your enemies by base stats.