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eternal evolution best fiona build eternal evolution best fiona build

Best Fiona Build in Eternal Evolution

If you want to invest in Fiona and build him in Eternal Evolution, you might ask yourself what equipment you should use and also how to smartly invest into the talents to waste no resources. Below I have a guide that I constantly update to help you getting the biggest bang for your buck.

Please also check out my frequently updated tier list of all heroes in Eternal Evolution here.

Best Equipment for Fiona

When talking about gear in Eternal Evolution there are three important things to mind – one is to equip sets so you get their bonus that are helpful for the hero, then you have random stats on the items you get, this means you should not only match for set bonus (which is actually secondary), you also need to make sure to have the optimal Main Stats on each gear piece + at least 2 of my recommended sub stats as well. Let’s take a look at the sets that work well first (and also please mind that the recommended ones in the Strategy Guide inside Eternal Evolution are not always that great and correct).

Before we dive into the different builds, please check this image to understand the different stats you’re going for here when building a hero:

eternal evolution gear stats explained

You have the Set Items that you want to use to get the Set Bonus (either with 2 or 4 items, depending on the set) and then you have Main Stats (flat stats that are fixed for weapon, chest and leg) and Main Stats for your hands, head and feet gear pieces that get random stats that you should build according to my recommendation. On top of that, every gear piece gets assigned 3 random Sub Stats, where you should aim to have ideally at least 2 of the recommended ones. I feel I needed to point that out as many players only want the sets and often enough have useless stats on them. The Set Bonus is great, but overall the majority of stats comes from the Main Stats and Sub Stats that need to be on point for the hero to work well!

Best Sets for Fiona

Here is the Shield Sets for Fiona:

The Heal Sets:

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Best Main Stats

Again, set bonus is nice and helpful but the stats you have on the items matter even more! Here are the Main Stats you need to have on these items to make it work. Please mind that the main stats for your weapon, chest and legs items are fixed (always be flat ATK, DEF and HP), so the only Main Stats you can customize for is for your hands, head and feet. To read my recommendation below right you should aim to have those main stast on them (HP, HP and HP)

Sub Stats Priority

All gear items get (depending on their rarity) a different amount of sub stats and they are all randomly assigned when you get the gear item. This can sometimes be really weird and useless combinations but provide a ton of additional stats. So, after you look after the set pieces and the correct main stats you should aim to have at least 2 of the recommended sub stats on them to push Fiona to his full potential:

Please support us on Patreon to see what sub stats are important to Fiona and what breakpoints to aim for and how to balance them out to get the most effective build. Testing heroes with all the different sets and stats takes a lot of time so we appreciate your support. You can support us on Patreon here.

Fiona’s Talent Priority

Please mind that the talents are tagged in green if you should mandatorily invest in them (either as primary skill improvement, required for a mandatory branch or for the main stat), orange if they are optional but don’t have the highest priority, or red if you should save the investment as they won’t make much of an impact.

Best Fiona Talent Build

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We invest a lot of time to test all the different stats and talent compositions for each hero in Eternal Evolution to help you save resources and get the best builds. Please support us on Patreon to unlock everything + browser AllClash without ads.
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Fiona’s Exclusive Weapon

Level 20is actually a fine investment for most players with her, unless you want to make her shine as the assassin healer she is and run her with the meta assassins, then the EX30 is a must-have invest. But we’re talking about players that can run heroes like Koraxia so this is not a shocking invest. If you pulled her and want to run her as your healer you get along with EX20 as well..

Divine Prototype

Here are some Divine Prototypes that work well with Fiona.

revitalization crystal
Revitalization Crystal
alternative divine prototype
Alternative Divine Prototype
alternative divine prototype
Alternative Divine Prototype
alternative divine prototype
Alternative Divine Prototype
alternative divine prototype
Alternative Divine Prototype


This is all you need to build Fiona with the best performance in all modes and states of the game. If you have further questions please feel free to comment below and we will be happy to help you.

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