If you want to make Yuuwork well in TopWar, you need also to build him right for the role he is designed for and there are some things to take care of to accomplish that.
Before we start, please also see here how Yuu performs in general among all heroes in TopWar:
The Best Build for Yuu
There are two big parts to will have to do right to compliment the skill kit and mechanics – one is the runes/special effects on the gear that you unlock in the high rarity gear and the other one is the additional skills to put on Yuu.
Best Skills for Yuu
You can pick from literally dozens of skill that you unlockover the time that you can equip on Yuu – but naturally some work better than others. We tested the different setups and this is how you should prioritize them:
How to unlock
Best Gear Runes (Special Effects)
Once you have the high-rarity gear, you can get the special effects on them and they will really boost your heroes – if they synergize well. Here’s the ones you want:
How to unlock
I hope this guide helped you building your heroes the right way. If you have any other questions, please post a comment below and we’re happy to reply.