afk journey best shakir build afk journey best shakir build

Best Build for Shakir in AFK Journey (Magic Charms + EX Weapon Priority)

How should you build and invest in Shakir in AFK Journey? A very important decision since the resources spent are spent for good and you can’t simply max out every hero in the game unless you’re ready to spend incredible amounts of money on the game. For this reason we analyzed all investments, ordered them and give you a recommendation that makes sense so you get the best outcome for the inestment you do, no matter of you’re F2P, low- or medium spender.

To get a general idea how well Shakir performs in AFK Journey, please refer to our frequently-updated tier list:

Here is a quick overview of the rankings of Shakir in AFK Journey. Please refer to the full tier list linked below to see the ranking of all heroes and priority..
Dream Realm:

Important! Please also make sure to check out our investment priority list here. It will show you the order in which you should invest in the heroes to progress as fast as possible.

Best Investment Milestones for Shakir

To give you a little bit of thought process behind our guide – in general every hero has their best performance when totally maxed out. But you can’t max out every hero since the resources are very limited so what we did is taking the strenght of all Hero Focus Levels and EX Weapon Levels along the cost of investment and how good a hero is in the different game modes together which indicates you which investment have HIGH value and which ones won’t.

This also means there are certain milestones of investments, basically levels of EX Weapon that will provide valuable stats for a relatively small inestment. We spent weeks of testing and calculating on dozens of accounts to find out the investments that are worth it for every particular hero but also in relation to the bigger picture – means a hero that is used in many game modes is more valuable than one that shines in only one mode.

Here are the investment milestones we recomment for Shakir right now:

Hero Focus
Hero Focus Absolutely yes to this investment since he will always be in the middle of trouble and this makes him a lot more reliable, espcially with higher deificts
Level 3
EX Weapon - 1st Milestoneas a first investment for sure a very good point not just for the base stats but also keep his ultimate up longer
EX Weapon - 2nd Milestoneas you progress Shakir also becomes a support role hero. He still has good damage but also him providing for your team becomes more essential and with this investment you just get a good bunch of base stats on him for a relatively small invest
EX Weapon - Final Investmentis a very important one for any later-game Mauler team that HAS to run Shakir. He will provide ATK back and that makes him not just a good damage sourse in many modes but also a support for many other carry damage dealers that rely on attack.

Magic Charms for Shakir

Magic Charms is the first stage of customizing your hero as you can strengthen certain attributes that will turn the tides a ton here. I don’t want to get into too much detail but if you want to know the whole strategy behind it I highly recommend our Magic Charm guide here.

The main idea here is that you will randomly get Magic Charms that are bound to your hero so it can take months to get the perfect ones – in the meantime you want to equip those that work as well as possible so you can get the Magic Charm skill active and get the best performance of your hero at the same time.

The recommended Magic Charms inside the game are based on normal game modes, but for Dream Realm and PvP modes you need different charms, that’s what we tested and what our recommendations are based on and this can change the outcome by a lot.

Magic Charms for Shakir to use in Story and non-PvP Modes

For the most parts the recommendations work. Please mind, in Season 1 you can mix them since the bonus was besd on the rarity of your magic charms. In Season 2 there is no Season Skill anymore, so the balancing comes more from the Magic Charms and you need to make a full set of the same to make the set bonus so there is less possibilities to actualy fine-tune:

In Season 1 you want to use Eagle, Resolute and Resolute.

In Season 2 you want to make your set bonus using all 3 Eagle Charms.

Magic Charms for Shakir to use in Dream Realm + Bosses

Bosses, espcially Dream Realm, benefit a lot more from different Magic Charms and this can easily ramp up your total admage by 1B or even more.

Magic Charms for Shakir to use in Arena + PvP Modes

In PvP you deal with different team setups, burst and cc effects and need different Magic Charms to suceed:


I hope this guide for building Shakir helped you investing without wasting much time and resources. If you liked it or you questions please feel free to comment below.

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