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best ship class in high seas hero best ship class in high seas hero

The Best Ship Class (For You) in High Seas Heroes

What’s the best ship class in High Seas Hero? A question that has a very simply yet complex answer that I want to address in this guide here as I see so many wrong info out there that I find horrifying. In this guide you will find all you need to know about your ship class choice in High Seas Heroes and what that means for your future progress and build of your ship.

Links are fixed! Sorry for the trouble of the broken links to the ship class builds, we fixed them!

The “Best” Class in High Seas Hero

In a perfect world… none of them. All the different classes in the game are quite well balanced out and have the same potential of playing all the content – BUT they have significant differences in playstyle since every ship class in High Seas Hero has a unique set of active skill and passive skills. But let’s make a quick overview:

  • Steel Spirit Classes: these ships are build towards taking a lot of damage and melting your opponent through dealing counter damage. This ship class is hard to take down and punish every enemy that attacks you. This splits up later to a self-healing Stormbreaker class and a more damage-reflecting Iron Bastion class
  • Doom Hunter Classes: focus on making combo attacks which are basically fast attacker that slip in extra attacks and build their damage and additional effects off that. Fun to play, versatile everywhere and a great pick if you don’t know where to go in High Seas Hero. Spits later up into the crit/combo Horizon Striker ship class and the straight combo fast Aero Flash ship class
  • Elemental Storm Classes: this class builds towards skills and using them more frequently or make them hit harder while using stun to keep the enemy under control – the most vulnerable ship class that needs the enemy to stay inactive since they can’t take much damage themselves

I personally have these TL;DR tips for you but you don’t have to follow them. They are more in case you’re totally lost:

  • Steel Spirit class ships are the most “boring” ship class where not much happens, they take forever in the earlier stages to get stuff done and you will time out more often than not. Time out is the cue word here since these classes will do more PvP content later where reflecting damage to fragile opponents or timing them out is a strategy. If you don’t like the arena or PvP modes, this is not the class for you
  • Doom Hunter classes are alright and work everywhere but will fall off and won#t probably stay competitive in end-game content. But if you don’t really spend much money on the game, end-game content is far out of reach for you at this point anyway and you can use this for steady progress
  • Elemental Storm classes are the most fun but glass cannon ones. Can reach more faster but have to re-run stuff a lot since their cribs are RNG and you can’t fully rely on them. If you want bang, they deliver you bang

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Each Class in-Depth

Above we have the strategy but if you like to learn more about the different playstyles the different ship classes in High Seas Hero offer and you rather want a class that makes you happy due to the playstyle rather than progressing the fastest possible way, I have all the info here now for you.

In the guide below we will walk through the ascension tiers and I will tell you not just what each ship class choice means for you in terms of playstyle, I also have linked you the full builds for each class and tell you what weapon, heroes, stats etc. are working best.


level 15 destiny

This is a simple progression and you honestly don’t have to mind anything. Use the auto feature and equip the equipment with the higher stats without minding much. You will only play a few hours on that tier.


tier 2 ship classes in high seas hero

Once you reach Level 30, you have to decide between the three main ship class branches in High Seas Hero – the warrior, archer and mage trees. Again, all classes are viable put do work differently as you get individual skills that only work when you play the class as it is intended to be played:

  • choose Steel Spirit Class if you want a defensive ship that is hard to kill and melts enemies over time with counterattacks and damage reflection
  • choose Doom Hunter Class if you like a ship that deals a fast attacks and constantly melts enemy health
  • choose Elemental Storm Class if you like to keep enemies in stun and burst with skills and cries and put out a lot of damage
You will find the builds for the main classes below


Once you reach Level 60, which is normally after a few days depending on the time you invest, you will be able to pick within the main ship class which changes the fine-tuning. This is the last class choice you will make, after that your class will gradually ascend ship classes!

tier 3 ship class counterattack

if you’re in the Steel Spirit Tree:

    • choose Stormbreaker if you want a very tanky and sturdy class that can take a lot of hits and make it hard for the enemy to scratch you while you in the ultimate ship class self-heal all the time (full build here)
    • choose Iron Bastion if you want a  tanky class that will reflect damage and directly counter everything that deals a lot of damage but has not much defense (full build here)

if you’re in the Doom Hunter Tree:

    • choose Horizon Striker if you like a ship that deals a lot of combo attacks and additional attacks that potentially crit (full build here)
    • choose Skybound Sentinel if you like a ship class that deals so fast and many additional attacks that it almost feels like constant damage over time (full build here)

tier 3 ship class skill

if you’re in the Elemental Storm:

    • choose Tide Rider if you want a ship that uses all skills more frequently by flat out reducing skill cooldown and potential in the end class increase all duration-based skills to last longer – (full build here)
    • choose Cosmos Drifter if you like a ship class that deals skill damage and burst with those skills more (full build here)

As I said, this is the last pick what your ship class will be like – after that each ascension in class results in more individual skills that will make the role stronger – but those are the main archetypes in High Seas Hero you have.


Each of the ship classes at this point will get another passive individual skill that defines the role more clearly and you have higher-rarity skills and pals available which makes a huge difference.

end ship classes

  • Stormbreaker → Abyssal Phantom and gets a self-healing passive (full build here)
  • Iron Bastion → Polar Specter will get direct damage reflection when hit (full build here)
  • Horizon Striker → Thunder Trek will deal additional damage percentage-based on current target health (full build here)
  • Skybound Sentinel → Aero Flash will deal additional combo strikes (full build here)
  • Tide Rider → Azure Tracer will extend weapon duration effects (full build here)
  • Cosmos Drifter → Dreamweaver will deal more skill damage (full build here)


I hope this general guide about ship classes helps you – and always remember you can switch your class for Diamonds and you don’t have to restart if you chose a class that doesn’t fit you. But I am positive this guide here helps you to pick a class you like and I will bring more guide in the future so check back in soon.

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