best heroes in heroes vs hordes tier list best heroes in heroes vs hordes tier list

The Best Heroes in Heroes vs. Hordes (Tier List) with Oracle

When picking heroes in Heroes vs. Hordes, there are two many things to keep in mind – one is the passive traits they apply when you level them up for all heroes and the other one is how well do they actually perform in combat?

Below you find a list how well the heroes perform – and some are strong in the earlier stages of Heroes vs. Hordes while other will become stronger later. Also, I have some recommendations for players that don’t spend money on the game which hero they should pick and focus on as well.

Sounds good? Let’s start.

What are the best heroes to use in Heroes vs. Hordes?

Important before we start with the list! Just because a hero is low on the list doesn’t mean you should ignore it! Every hero has bonuses when leveling up that apply to all other heroes as well so it’s important to level each hero you unlocked up to get those bonuses.

The list below will show you the ones you should be running. Also, use the ‘Show More’ button to see a short description that justify the ranking + also my recommended build(s) for that hero what gear you should equip on them and what weapons/tomes you should pick in battle with them to get the best out of them.


Actually the best hero in Heroes vs Hordes right now and can handle everything. The highest scores in the game are done with players using the Barbarian..
Is no just looking super cool, is also able to handle pretty much everything as well..
clockwork mage
Clockwork Mage
Not as strong as the Barbarian but still one of the strongest heroes in Heroes vs Hordes and able to get you very far..
Similar to Clockwork Mage and Reaper, this hero will work really well and can do a lot without any major disadvantages..
Really good and probably the best choice for average players that don't invest too much in the game. He has some flaws compared to the other top heroes in the game but his insta-kills make up for a lot..
Surprised to see a starter hero so high? Well, he is simply good and can carry you a long way, espcially when you forge his special weapon.
Takes some time but is a little easier to handle than Blademaster. You need Guild Coins to unlock him in Heroes vs Hordes but looking for a solid guild pays off with him at the end of the day..
Can do well in dungeon and GE, but she can't do late and end game content in Heroes vs Hordes. Just not strong enough.
big game hunter
Big Game Hunter
Great Boss Brawl damage output but that's about it with him..
santa claus
Santa Claus
In terms of performance actually a little better but as seasonal hero I am not a big fan of those kinds of things..
frost queen
Frost Queen
After testing her for quite a while I am now safe to say that she is just not enough.
arcane mage
Arcane Mage
Would actually rank her lower here but you can use her to farm Hard Mode 1 afk with her which is a really nice thing.
fire wizard
Fire Wizard
Good in dungeons, not going to lie, but otherwise just mediocre.
frost wizard
Frost Wizard
If you unlock him early you think holy cow what's that hero he is goooood. But as strong as he comes around, he falls off pretty heavily..
pirate queen
Pirate Queen
Not bad as she is, but also nothing good overall so I don't see much point in running her actively.
tide warden
Tide Warden
Early game pretty nice but falls off heavily in mid-game in Heroes vs Hordes.
The effect don't go well against mobs at all. Not bad but there are so many better choices in the game..
dark ranger
Dark Ranger
Not really good and only worht building for the passive boost for all heroes..
crazy tinkerer
Crazy Tinkerer
Not really good and only worht building for the passive boost for all heroes..
spirit shaman
Spirit Shaman
Not really good and only worht building for the passive boost for all heroes..
Not really good and only worht building for the passive boost for all heroes..


I hope this list gives you a good overview of the heroes that are worth running and building well in Heroes vs. Hordes and if you have any further questions or think I should add something, plese comment below and I will be happy to reply.

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