best king croaker teams in afk journey best king croaker teams in afk journey

Best Teams Against King Croaker (Dream Realm) in AFK Journey

Beating King Croaker in Dream Realm reliably is important as the rewards are important to level up the Hero Focus and EX Weapon of your heroes which become increasingly important in the later stages of AFK Journey.

afk journey dream realm rewards

So, how to beat this boss and the other bosses well?

Just using the recommended heroes won’t cut the chase and with only 7 attempts every day, testing different formations and lineups can become increasingly difficult – but the good news here is, we have the best lineups ready for you to help you get the best score possible and also some setups for players that don’t have the celestial and hypogean heroes built and ready in their roaster.

Also, make sure to check the best lineups for all the different game modes and other bosses in AFK Journey here and also stay up to date what heroes you should build first with our best hero guide here.

Best Teams To Beat King Croaker in AFK Journey

Before we go, let me please give you some advice about Magic Charms:

magic charms

Bot have the same setup and same hero investment, but one is 60 Resonation Levels higher… how can that be? Well, if you use the recommendation Magic Charms in Dream Realm, you will lose a lot of potential! Please check our linked recommended Magic Charms for each team to make sure you get your full potential on the road!!!

King Croaker Meta Team

This is the best tem against King Croaker right now but it is not really that F2P friendly since you need Phreasto and Talene built from Stargazer plus Ludovic which is available outside his banner but realistically only people who pulled him there have him built up enough

Thoran is absolutely core here since he can survive the first fatal blow and revive. No other hero can do that and he is used in pretty much team against King Croaker and often enough gets enough damage in although his amounts of ults are limited. Phraesto tanks and deals damage and provides support to the heroes directly behind him and is absolutely essential for this team. Phraesto here is Phraestos illusion that will buff up Talene that is the main damage dealer in your lineup and when King Croaker kills the illusion he can make a new one. Smokey and Meerky keeps your team alive but also deals some damage with his aura. Works really well as his ultimate aura is needed to keep Talenes ultimate active as much as possible. Talene is your core damage dealer and with the two healers in lineup you try to keep her ultimate going and going and if King Croaker takes her out she rises again. Ludovic is very much needed to keep Talenes ultimate going and fresh her health up while her ultimate is active. Evocation Spell will randomly buff your heroes stats in a way that they work the best. Can be a little rng at times so make sure to use all your runs to make sure you get your highest score with it.

Required EX + Magic Charms Setup
See what EX Investment you need but also very important what Magic Charms work best (it's NOT the game recommendations!)

King Croaker Alternative Meta

Almost as good in damage and a little easier to make without having to build Talene but with Lily May, this team works pretty much as well as the meta team

Smokey and Meerky keeps your team alive but also deals some damage with his aura. Works really well as his ultimate aura is needed to keep your team alive here. Thoran is absolutely core here since he can survive the first fatal blow and revive. No other hero can do that and he is used in pretty much team against King Croaker and often enough gets enough damage in although his amounts of ults are limited. Phraesto tanks and deals damage and provides support to the heroes directly behind him and is absolutely essential for this team. Ludovic is also needed here for the healing and supporting your team, espcially for Lily May. Lily May is your main damage dealer and she will deal the mayority of damage in your lineup and needs to stay alive and protected. Phraesto here is Phraestos illusion. Evocation Spell will randomly buff your heroes stats in a way that they work the best. Can be a little rng at times so make sure to use all your runs to make sure you get your highest score with it.

Required EX + Magic Charms Setup
See what EX Investment you need but also very important what Magic Charms work best (it's NOT the game recommendations!)

King Croaker Alternative Team

You still need to build Phraesto for this team but other than that it’s quite accessible with many heroes you naturally have built or will build early in the game

Phraesto tanks and deals damage and provides support to Marilee as the main damage dealer in this team so position is essential here. Smokey and Meerky keeps your team alive but also deals some damage with his aura. Works really well as his ultimate aura is needed to keep your team alive here. Marilee deals the main part of your total damage with her true damage and gets buffed by the heroes in this team so she has to stand right here behind Phraesto. Thoran is absolutely core here since he can survive the first fatal blow and revive. No other hero can do that and he is used in pretty much team against King Croaker and often enough gets enough damage in although his amounts of ults are limited. Odie deals nice damage from afar and although he is not the main damage dealer in this team since he can’t really deal true damage, he still is resposible for a huge chunk of damage from the backline where he is secure from getting the fatal blow. Phraesto here is Phraestos illusion. Evocation Spell will randomly buff your heroes stats in a way that they work the best. Can be a little rng at times so make sure to use all your runs to make sure you get your highest score with it.

Required EX + Magic Charms Setup
See what EX Investment you need but also very important what Magic Charms work best (it's NOT the game recommendations!)

King Croaker F2P Team

With only Reinier as your hypo hero, this is the best F2P team available against King Croaker although you need Korin and Marilee EX Weapon at +10

Thoran is absolutely core here since he can survive the first fatal blow and revive. No other hero can do that and he is used in pretty much team against King Croaker and often enough gets enough damage in although his amounts of ults are limited. Smokey and Meerky keeps your team alive but also deals some damage with his aura. Works really well as his ultimate aurato keep everyone alive. Korin helps with overall team survivability and also deal true damage which is a huge part of your total damage output in this lineup. Reinier puts his position buff on Marilee to help her deal more damage with her true damage basic attacks but also provides survivability for your whole team and is essential here. Marilee is your main damage dealer here, buffed up through Reinier and well protected from fatal blows in this position even though she moves around a lot. Evocation Spell will randomly buff your heroes stats in a way that they work the best. Can be a little rng at times so make sure to use all your runs to make sure you get your highest score with it.

Required EX + Magic Charms Setup
See what EX Investment you need but also very important what Magic Charms work best (it's NOT the game recommendations!)


I hope this guide helps you setting up your teams and starting to daily farm your materials for getting more epic hero copies from the Dream Realm Store so you can upgrade your vital heroes and also start gathering the materials needed to upgrade your Hero Focus skills and EX weapon levels as you will need them badly soon.

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