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whiteout jasser best skill order whiteout jasser best skill order

Best Skill Order To Build Jasser in Whiteout Survival

When building Jasser in Whiteout Survival, you have some important choices to make in order to get the biggest bang for your buck.

By fine-tuning the way you upgrade Jasser’s Exploration and Expedition skills you can save yourself quite some Manuals in the process and as not all skills have the same amount of impact but have the same amount of costs leveling up, fine-tuning them is worth it in the end.

Important! If you want to check how well Jasser does in the current meta of all heroes in Whiteout Survival, please check out my current tier list of all heroes here.



Jasser’s Skill Upgrade Order

In the first section you find the optimal upgrade order for Jasser’s Exploration Skills + Expedition Skills. You can’t max out all heroes in Whiteout Survival and this strategy makes your heroes progress with the biggest return for each Skill Manual spent since higher upgrades have diminishing returns and we all know how easy you can reset heroes (not!). Progress faster and spend less manuals without needing to if you follow our detailed skill upgrade order step by step:

Skill Order Finetuning
Below you will find the best order to unlock and level up skills by how useful they are so you don’t have to level the skills up one by one and spend a lot of extra Manuals on it. This will let you save important Universal Manuals in the long run!

+1 Lvl

+1 Lvl



You can save a lot of manuals and resources by smartly upgrading your heroes in Whiteout Survival. Unlock the perfect skill upgrade order by becoming a supporter on Patreon and unlock the skill upgrade order for all heroes in the game..

Simply log in here with your Patreon account and unlock all content and remove all ads on the website.

Not sure how it works and what you get? Check out the guide for Sergey here that is completely unlocked to show you how the skill order works. Preview here.

Jasser’s Optimal Gear Setup

Now we have to take a look at the gear setup, as it takes a lot of time and resources to craft higher rarity gear and not all gear is as impactful as the other one and you have to gear a couple of heroes in Last War Survival Game. Also upgrading gear gets very expensive and you simply can’t just pump all your Upgrade Ore randomly on gear + there are diminishing returns on Ore spends (the stats you gain on higher levels is a lot less per Ore spent than in the lower levels). Long story short, there is a lot of room for optimization to save resources and get the biggest bang for your buck (Ore)…

Minimum Build

This is the build you really should have to use this hero decently considering when you get access to it and where your account is at this point

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The levels for each gear item here is:

  • Marksman Rare Goggles: Level 24
  • Marksman Rare Gloves: Level 10
  • Marksman Rare Belt: Level 10
  • Marksman Rare Boots: Level 24
  • x: there is no exclusive eapon for epic heroes in Whiteout at this point

Sweetspot Build

We know the best build is the one that is maxed out but unless you spend a ton of money on the game this is not realistically. This build here uses the best value of all the gear and the required goals you should have with this hero in the meta to be viable while trying to limit your investment as much as possible

  • Marksman Rare Goggles: Level 🔒
  • Marksman Rare Gloves: Level 🔒
  • Marksman Rare Belt: Level 🔒
  • Marksman Rare Boots: Level 🔒
  • x: Level 🔒


Join AllClash PRO to unlock the best value sweetspots for all hero gear and save yourself a lot of resources and progress quicker..

Simply log in here with your Patreon account and unlock all content and remove all ads on the website.

Optimum Build

This is the optimum build looking at the diminishing returns of your invest where it makes sense to take this hero in terms of gear. Max is great, I know, but realistically everything beyond this is just very expensive and wasteful in terms of resources at this point

The levels for each gear item here is:

  • Marksman Epic Goggles: Level 25
  • Marksman Rare Gloves: Level 28
  • Marksman Rare Belt: Level 28
  • Marksman Epic Boots: Level 25
  • x: there is no exclusive eapon for epic heroes in Whiteout at this point


I hope this guide helped you to build your Jasser without just pumping your manuals into the skills. I assure you this will make your progress in WHiteout Survival a lot faster and get the biggest bang for your buck in terms of making the skills rock that really make a big impact espcially as costs get higher and higher.

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