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dragonheir best nadja build dragonheir best nadja build

Best Nadja Build in Dragonheir (Gear + Artifacts Prio) – incl. Season 4

Are you looking for ways to build Nadja the right way in Dragonheir: Silent Gods? Well, with all the possibilities of different gear and artifact combinations you have quite an amount of options but testing with the different set bonuses and sub stats, there is actually only a few clear possibilities that make really sense to let Nadja’s kit pop well. We have spend many hours of testing and below you will find those results that you can directly apply to get the most out of Nadja – not matter of you justed pulled the hero, have andvanced a bit or even maxed it.

Important! Check out my Hero Tier List that I just updated to see how Nadja performs among all heroes in the game.


Best Gear & Stats for Nadja

When we’re talking about the best gear for Nadja in Dragonheir, there are a few things that are important to mind that need to go well with the skill kit and passive ability of Nadja so not only have the main multipliers that you see in the description be as high as possible, also the other surrounding stats need to fit + the set bonus has to work along the kit as well.

Best Gear Sets for Nadja

The gear sets are divided and depend on what Gear Forge Level you have access to – basically what gear you can produce in the game as this will affect what sets you can create and equip on Nadja. But also each new Season (roughly every 3 months), the season reset will remove all gear and add different new sets, that’s why below the ranking is seperated by seasons so make sure to check for the season your server is in right now:


[gearbox_locked game=”dragonheir” number_of_items=”6″ locked_icon_url=”” patreon_locktext=”To see the ranking for the other sets for this hero and all the other heroes in Dragonheir you need to be a supporter of AllClash on Patreon. Unlock all PRO content on AllClash + browse without ads” patreon_url=”” item_1_name=”Shade of Death” item_1_badge=”Forge IV” item_1_image=””


Nadja is not available in Season 3 so there is no recommended S3 gear sets


Nadja is not available in Season 2 so there is no recommended S2 gear sets

Recommended Stats & Sub-Stats for Nadja

This is the recommended priority of sub-stats you should look for at gear you want to equip on Nadja:

Core-StatATK is a core stat that will scale Nadja's kit most and you should have it on every single gear item, either as main stat for the flexible gear pieces or as sub stats. Make sure that every gear piece has it.


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Please mind that the percentage stats normally scale better the further you progress but the flat stats aren’t that horrible. Unless you#re really end-game, I would not swap out or strip gear just because it has the flat version of ATK or HP and not the percentage one. In end-game, however, every bit makes a difference and flat stats will simply not do the trick anymore.

Artifact Recommendations for Nadja

Let’s talk about the Artifacts that will suit Nadja overall kit and role in Dragonheir. With the amount of artifact we have there are multiple ones that fit so please see them ranked below from best (top) to okay-ish (bottom). I don’t have any artifact that don’t work there and no artifacts ‘just for the stats’. If you don’t have any of the artifacts, you can look for one that suits the recommended stats above until you get one that is on the list:

Please mind that there are new artifacts with each season, so if you’re not in the latest season because your server is not there please check the artifact badge and skip the ones that aren’t available on your server – but this is also a good outlook into the future to see if there are stronger artifacts coming in the next season:

Matriarchs Gem
Matriarchs GemSeason 4
Sundial of Origin
Sundial of OriginSeason 4


To see the ranking for the fitting artifacts for this hero and all the other heroes in Dragonheir you need to be a supporter of AllClash on Patreon. Unlock all PRO content on AllClash + browse without ads.

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This is everything you need to know to build Nadja to the best performance in Dragonheir. If you’re looking for complete builds for other heroes, please find them all linked the the frequently updated tier list here.

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