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Best Heroes in Warhammer 40,000: Lost Crusade

It’s quite hard at times to figure out what heroes are good in Warhammer 40,000: Lost Crusade – and this is not just about which ones you should use! As we all know, leveling up a hero is a lot of work and takes a ton of time, resources and effort and you don’t want to end up doing that with a hero that will be mediocre or even worst later and you have to go through all of that again.

For that reason, I have tailored together this tier list of the best heroes that will be viable throughout your whole journey of Warhammer 40k: Lost Crusade so you can decide and pick the right heroes to put all that effort in.

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The Best to Worst Heroes in Warhammer 40k Lost Crusade – Tier List

Let’s just jump right into the list, this is the reason you’re here, right?

S Tier

Kor’Sarro buffs attack, march speed and HP and also has the dodging skill. What makes him really stand out is the last skill that can disable the enemy from attacking for 1 second which is an insane interrupt and make him so crazy on attacking and also defending. Overall an amazing kit, great stats and buffs and the only thing I wouldn’t do that much with him would be gathering, but I think that’s alright (joke). He’s amazing and if I would need to choose, I would vote for him as the best heroes in Warhammer 40k Lost Crusade.

Minimal Invest: 5-Star

Erynica is actually pretty good for attacks when looking at her skills, increasing all troops defense, marching speed and HP. She’s also not too hard to level up since you can get her shards from doing the scans frequently and that’s why I have her here in the highest tier, also because there’s not much where she’s really bad in.

Minimal Invest: Maxed

Shrike is also a great attacker with a lot of good buffs that apply, including the chance to dodge. If you use him in rally, there’s also the chance to increase all damage dealt to the target that can pretty skyrocket.

Minimal Invest: 5-Star

Garadon is a great defender with the rebound attacks and the damage reduction you can give any attacker a hard time. Overall, not the hero you want to take on the battlefield, though.

Minimal Invest: 5-Star

Alastor is not exactly the epic version of Garadon, but has similar mechanics in his kit that will reduce the damage taken and also deal rebound damage. Great for defense but as an epic hero lacks some of the overall viability of Garadon. Still S Tier for me, especially as he can boost other DPS so much.

Minimal Invest: Maxed

Seth is a pretty balanced hero and works fine pretty much in all game modes. Increases damage dealt, can heavily reduce the damage taken and also has the extra accuracy that helps a lot aginst setups that have dodge (like heroes you see above).

Minimal Invest: 6-Star

Telion works great for attacking and Battle of Enyo with his ability to increase attack speed and debuff enemy attack speed plus the increased crit chance heavily so also packing a good punch when upgraded well (let’s say when maxed).

Minimal Invest: 5-Star

A Tier

Cordus has some great mechanics in his kit that will not only increase damage dealt and also crit chance (similar to Telion), he also can get the dodge increase that makes him durable. Can be a little squishy here and there and hasn’t the craziest stats as an epic hero in Warhammer 40,000: Lost Crusade, but overall a good one to invest in for sure.

Minimal Invest: Maxed

Vex has great march reinforcements and similar abilities asCordus and can be really viable, although only on offense and no hero you want to have on defense. Also one of the best epic heroes in Warhammer 40k Lost Crusade for me.

Minimal Invest: Maxed

Lysander is not a bad hero in Warhammer 40k Lost Crusade, and in the right situation and setup he will be a secure candidate for the S Tier. The thing is you need the whirlwind to work well against multiple targets or he will use a lot of the viability. If that doesn’t scale with the numbers of targets, he will become a good and solid hero, but not an outstanding one.

Minimal Invest: 5-Star

Avar is a very nice hero to run with all balanced buffs and debuffs and the only one that works o a trigger chance is the counterattack (otherwise it would be sick, right?) and also works great as rally leader that provides a lot for the rally.

Minimal Invest: 5-Star

Feirros works well for Breach Assault and Appoint, but other than that not too viable so was a close call for the A Tier. I think he does his job so well there that he deserves to be a little higher than the heroes listed in B Tier, especially as his minimal invest is not that much.

Minimal Invest: 1-Star

B Tier

Njal has overall a decent kit, but the main reason he’s used is for the speed stack.

Minimal Invest: Maxed

Calgar would be such an awesome hero in Warhammer 40k Lost Crusade, but his main stats affect Dreadnought only and are pretty defensive, his skill increase damage taken and also disable the target. He would be so much higher otherwise still has a niche where he will perform well, so I have him in the B Tier.

Minimal Invest: 5-Star

C Tier

Mei’ah has kind of a weird kit, she increases march speed and army size but then the removing a buff from the enemy requires to run into a setup that heavily rely on a buff (and then the trigger chances and timings need to align) and her debuff has a kind-of slow trigger chance. Overall not too viable.

Minimal Invest: Maxed

Kantor had the potential kit to be a lot better, with the flat buff and debuff, especially the crit chance when maxed, but his base buffs only apply to Primaris Squad so you will overall have a super niche setup to use to really make him happen.

Minimal Invest: Maxed

Chronus has overall not a very useful kit. Base buffs apply to Predator only and to get the research speed you need to appoint him. Then he also buffs own army defense and increase enemy damage taken but there’s not really any damage that can be increased. His last ability has a low trigger chance, so I really can’t recommend him higher on this tier list that should also serve you as a priority recommendation.

Minimal Invest: Maxed

Sicarius has this flat rate damage increase so it scales but only viable with Vanguard VEteran and you need to appoint him. Overall a solid kit and you might unlock him quite cheap with your first purchase but from here it is super hard to star him up and without that, you won’t get access to his full skill kit.

Minimal Invest: Maxed

Tycho has a ton of HP and defense buffs that make your army chunky, but there’s really missing the ability to pack a punch. The attacks speed and damage buff just go somewhat into nothing and what’s the use in lasting longer when you’re not able to deal enough damage?

Minimal Invest: Maxed

Solaris is here only because of his Adamantium gathering abilities and can be useful early-game in Warhammer 40,000: Lost Crusade.

Minimal Invest: Maxed

Preates is here only because of his Plasma gathering abilities and can be useful early-game in Warhammer 40,000: Lost Crusade.

Minimal Invest: Maxed

D Tier

Adremus has overall just a badly balanced kit with no real use-case. He might be working here and there but there are so many other heroes to invest in…

Minimal Invest: Maxed

Cicario is like Lysander but so much worst. Not really an invest you’ll be happy with later in the game.

Minimal Invest: Maxed

Omneus has only the fuel collection speed, but that’s pretty much it.

Minimal Invest: Maxed

Alvinus has only the metal collection speed, but that’s pretty much it.

Minimal Invest: Maxed

Caelo is a hero that I actually though about creating the F Tier for, just for him. He is, and no Warhammer 40k Lost Crusade player with some experience will disagree, the worst hero in the game. I just don’t want to get into details how bad his overall kit mechanics are balanced. Just stay away from him.


So, that’s the current meta tier list in Warhammer 40,000: Lost Crusade as I see it. If you have questions or think I ranked someone horribly wrong, please drop a comment below.

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