Building Zhu Yuan in Zenless Zone Zero can have some pitfalls, espcialy when looking at the skills – you can’t ruin your character but for sure throw yourself back a lot by spending resources on things you don’t need. In our guide we wanted to give you the perfect priorities that help you build your character gradually without wasting resources and getting those sweetspots that offer great bang for your buck.
Before we start, please also see here how Zhu Yuan performs in general among all agents in Zenless Zone Zero:
Best Gear for Zhu Yuan
Gearing Zhu Yuan consists of multiple parts in Zenless Zone Zero. You have to pick your weapon (which is called W Engine), pick your discs that make set and set bonuses and they can have random stats on them, so those random stats should also fit the kit. Let’s go through all of them since we tested them all:
Best W Engine for Zhu Yuan
Really straightforward, we used the W Engines in Zenless Zone Zero that make sense with Zhu Yuan kit and the optional setup and this is how they perform. Unlike other sources we don’t give you only one recommendation since you might not have that available:
Also, without meaning to disrespect other sources so please don’t get me wrong, these are the test results of actually running them with the best builds and not just theorycrafting them. There is a huge difference in actually seing them work alongside the ideal stats with the kit and not just looking at the stats that could potentially benefit the kit.
Best Disc Sets for Zhu Yuan
Now let’s take a look at the disc sets, they can make 2-piece and 4-piece bonuses so you will end up with various different combinations and here is what our test results give:
For use in Overall Teams, these are the disc set setups you should aim for:

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Disc Stats for Zhu Yuan
Here’s where the real fun starts. Stats on the discs also need to match the kit to make sense. While the main stats on the discs 1-3 are fixed, the ones on your
So, this means you are looking for your disc 4, 5 and 6 piece to have these main stats. Do not use other items unless you need to make the set bonus and be prepared to swap them out later!
The possible main stats yu can get are somewhat random, so here is what we recommend:
Disk 4 should be either Crit Rate or Crit DMG (if your Crit Rate is below 75% for sure go for Crit Rate if possible), Disk 5 should be Ether DMG and with Disk 6 you can go for ATK.
You might see some alternatives around, but honestly this is first of all a very strong basic element of the kit and also you don’t want to upgrade any discs just to swap them out later so rather wait for the ones with the right stats and then upgrade them then messing around with alterntive stats, upgrade them, see that your kit is lackluster and then upgrade the right one. Just a huge mess and waste of resources and energy at the end of the day.
Sub Stats
And in the last part, all disc items have random sub stats that should ideally also match. Here are the ones you want to look out for
How to unlock
Skill Priority for Zhu Yuan
Leveling your skills can be the make-or-break point in building your agents in Zenless Zone Zero! Each character has different rotations so not all skills are equally important in terms of spending resources in leveling them. Farming the resources will cost you precious energy that you might miss on a different spot so you don’t want to spend those resources leveling skills that are not really worth leveling or could be spent better somewhere else.
Skill Upgrade Order for Zhu Yuan
We have spend tons of time to tailor the ideal upgrade order of the skills for Zhu Yuan so you will spend your resources where you get the biggest bang for your buck and have your sweetspots where they really make a difference. This means you can upgrade more agents faster instead of being stuck upgrading them one-by-one:
How to unlock
Ideal Core Skill Enhancement
Same with the Core Skill Enhancements – not alll are worth the resources you need to invest and this depends on the bigger picture of all agents, the meta, the teams and everything else in Zenless Zone Zero so this is the maximum of investment we recommend unless you really want to whale out here:
Please mind, this is a recommendation based on resources VS effect. Of course, getting more Core Skill Enhancements is better on paper, but the effect compared to the costs makes it less valuable and will slow down your overall progress of building your agents in Zenless Zone Zero.
I hope this guide helped you building your agent the right way. Again, we spent throusands of hours testing our builds and recommendations to not just give you the ‘BEST’ build that is unrealistic for 95% of the players to reach but rather give you a priority and path to build. Faster progress and more fun in Zenless Zone Zero is the goal, not spend a ton of money. If you have questions please post a comment below and we will be happy to help.