There are a couple of things to mind when building Kelvin Hobbes in Sea of Conquest to work well in your formations, what ship parts to use, what ships to use with, what stats you need on your ship parts and also what other heroes to pair with.
You’re in the right place, below you will find answer to each one of those questions and this will help you make your Kelvin Hobbes perfrom as strong as possible while not mindlessly pumping endless resources into building the hero.
Current Ranking – is Kelvin Hobbes S-Tier, A-Tier, or D-Tier?!
See how Kelvin Hobbes is ranking in the different game modes of Sea of Conquest in my current tier list here and also make sure that you’re running the right ship setups and damage types in Sea of Conquest or you might really affect your progress negatively – I have an updated guide on the best ship types to build in Sea of Conquest here
Skill Order
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Best Ships To Command
Best Trinkets
How to unlock
Rimy Lance improves Drowning damage and the special ability applies here as well so it is the best trinket to run with this hero. Chain of Bombs improves Drowning damage and the special ability applies here as well so it is the best trinket to run with this hero.
Best Hero Pairing for Kelvin Hobbes
Hamar Tornquist is the ideal captain here and also pretty much without alternative unless you plan to use him as captain (which I don’t really recommend) (See full build here).
Nebet Duman works incredible well with him, no question about that and there is almost no setup where I wouldn’t pair them together on a drowning archetype ship (See full build here).
Titus Slade absolutely a hero to consider for any Drowning ship and since you have a Jack her in Kelvin, they can work really well together (See full build here).
Adeline as Gunner always good if you use Kelvin in another position but looking at the bigger picture, Adeline is normally the hero to go here for Kelvin unless you use him for Hamar or Titus (See full build here).
Barnacle is actually outdated by the time you build Kelvin and I rather replace him with Kelvin than use a Barnacle as captain with Kelvin in another position (See full build here).
Best Ship Parts
Ship Parts in Sea of Conquest belong to different sets and have random stats on them and although you equip them on your ships, they need to compliment the heroes you*re using. So, when runngin Kelvin Hobbes these are the sets you should aim for:
How to unlock
I hope this guide for building Kelvin Hobbes helped you investing without wasting much time and resources. If you liked it or you further questions (or maybe also annnotations that you believe should be added here in this guide), please don’t hesitate to post them below in the comment section. Thanks for reading and have a great day.