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Best Build for Dwarf Engineer in Top Troops (Gear, Skill Order, Talent Focus)

If you’re wondering how to build Dwarf Engineer to perform as well as possible in Top Troops, you need to wonder what skills to upgrade, what gear to equip and also what talents to focus on. Below you find all the info you need for that if you plan on running Dwarf Engineer in Top Troops.

Important! Check out my Troop Tier List that I just updated to see how Fire Slasher performs among all troops in the game.

dwarf engineer
Dwarf Engineer

Best Gear & Stats for Dwarf Engineer

When it comes to gear, there are multiple things to keep in mind – mainly sets and substats. Each gear set will give you a bonus for 3 piece and 6 pieces equipped and you want to always go for the full 6-piece bonus as it it more than double as powerful than the 3-piece bonus.

top troops stats on gear

The recommended gear set for Dwarf Engineer:

Crit Chance
Crit Chance

But this is only where the fun starts with gear in Top Troops, since only the main stat on the gear items is fixed and the other ones are random – this means you can get a defensive gear item with attacking stats on it or vice versa, which makes little sense. Here are the substats you’re looking for with Dwarf Engineer:

Attack (Most Important) is by far the most important stat and should be ideally on every gear item you equip.


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How to unlock

Best Skill Upgrade Order

You can upgrade the skills of troops in Top Troops individually without limitations, and some skills are better than others – in terms of economically manage your upgrade resources, this is the priority for Dwarf Engineer’s skills that I recommend:

Skill 1 is the most important skill and I recommend you to have it at least at Level 3 before you start upgrading the other skills.
Skill 3 is the skill you should upgrade after that. From here you can max out these two skills before starting with the other ones.
Skill 2 is the third skill to work on once you have the two ones above maxed out at Level 5 and not earlier.
Skill 4 is the last skill to work one when you have the other ones at Level 5.

This priority will help you a lot developing the key aspects of your troops while upgrading faster.

Best Talent Focus

In the Talent Tree you get presented with various options and this is very important in giving your troops the focus that compliment their kit

top troops talent focus

With Dwarf Engineer I recommend to pick this route in the talent tree:

Talet Focus
We tested all different talent tree variations so you don't have to - support us on Patreon to unlock the best talent tree routes

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This is everything you need to know to build Dwarf Engineer to the best performance in Top Troops. If you’re looking for complete builds for other troops, please find them all linked the the tier list here.

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