Building or finding a good team in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes that has synergy and all capabilities to deal with hard setups isn’t easy and, with all honesty, the options you find online doesn’t necessarily make it easier with so many outdated guides.
That’s why I decided to give you here a frequently updated overview of teams that top players in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes use and rank them to give you the chance to find a team that you can evolve and build around. These are all solid options the way they are but you can always modify them depending on your roaster of characters in SWGOH.
What Are The Best Teams in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Right Now?
Below you find the current meta “screenshot” how you can call it of teams that you will see very frequently and that do well. Again, you can modify them but I wanted to make this list as compact and useful as possible.
Update! I adjusted a lot of rankings for teams and added the new teams with the new heroes of early 2024 that are viable!
Jedi Master Kenobi – JMK
This team is built with Jedi Master Kenobi, Commander Ahsoka Tano, Ahsoka Tano, General Kenobi and Padme Amidala. Great in every aspect of Grand Arena and extremely versatile in Territory Wars as well and in my opinion the team you want to go for if you build it.
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Leia Organa – GLO
This team is built with Leia Organa, Captain Drogan, R2-D2, Baze Malbus and Mon Mothma. Amazing in everything you need to do in Grand Arena and also Territory Wars, excells in offense and defense
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

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Jabba the Hutt – JTH
This team is built with Jabba the Hutt, Boushh (Leia Organa), Skiff Guard (Lando Calrissian), Embo and Krrsantan. Great and balanced overall although falls a little short to the top team but still a great team, espcially in Territory Wars
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Lord Vader – LV
This team is built with Lord Vader, Maul, Grand Admiral Thrawn, Royal Guard and Darth Vader. Very good team overall and balanced in all ways and the best full Dark Side team in Galaxy of Heroes but can’t compete with the very top meta teams right now.
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Rey Resistance – RR
This team is built with Rey, Ben Solo, Resistance Hero Finn, Resistance Hero Poe and Rey (Jedi Training). Great team overall you can run comfortably in all modes but misses the op-ness of the top teams
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Supreme Leader Kylo Ren – SLKR
This team is built with Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, General Hux, Sith Trooper, Kylo Ren (Unmasked) and First Order Stormtrooper. Great team overall you can run comfortably in all modes but misses the op-ness of the top teams
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Reva Inquisitors – RI
This team is built with Third Sister, Grand Inquisitor, Seventh Sister, Fifth Brother and Eighth Brother. Overall great but in defense the top teams will give this lineup a hard time often enough.
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Jedi Master Luke Skywalker – JMLS
This team is built with Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight Cal Kestis, Jedi Knight Revan, Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker and Grand Master Yoda. I ranked this down a bit since it is simply struggeling more against newer teams recently
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Sith Eternal Emperor – SEE
This team is built with Sith Eternal Emperor, Darth Revan, Darth Malak, Savage Opress and Darth Talon. I ranked this down a bit since it is simply struggeling more against newer teams recently
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

This team is built with Boss Nass, Jar Jar Binks, Captain Tarpals, Gungan Boomadier and Gungan Phalanx. Quite new after the release of the heroes in early 2024 and actually quite a decent team to run
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Starkiller (Territory Wars) – SK
This team is built with Darth Traya, Starkiller, Visas Marr, Kylo Ren (Unmasked) and Juhani. For the pure nature of the team, this only works in Territory Wars
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Darth Bane Assassin – DBA
This team is built with Darth Bane, Sith Assasin, –, – and –. Great duo team with Darth Bane. Don’t know when they will address this but this is actually working better than it should.
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Bo Katan (Mand’alor)
This team is built with Bo-Katan (Mand’alor), The Mandalorian, Paz Vizsla, Bo-Katan Kryze and IG-12 & Grogu. Overall quite solid and works everywhere but if you encounter the top teams, you will be in trouble often enough.
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Queen Amidala (Quadme)
This team is built with Queen Amidala, Padawan Obi-Wan, Master Qui-Gon, Echo and Shaak Ti. Not the craziest team with the new heroes that have been released but you can form a decent team with them. Will see where meta drags them in the future but it works right now.
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Taron Malicos Unaligned Force Users – UFU
This team is built with Cere Junda, Taron Malicos, Cal Kestis, Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum) and Kylo Ren (Unmasked). This team shines more in defense than offense but it’s still a viable and useful team.
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Starkiller (Grand Arena) – SK
This team is built with Emperor Palpatine, Mara Jade, Starkiller, Visas Marr and Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old Ben). Do not run this team in Territory Wars!
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Darth Malgus – DMG
This team is built with Darth Malgus, Darth Revan, Bastila Shan (Fallen), Darth Malak and Darth Talon. Ranked the team a little higher now since it seems to work more stable on defense compared to my previous guide.
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Dark Trooper Moff Gideon – DTMG
This team is built with Dark Trooper Moff Gideon, Moff Gideon, Scout Trooper, Death Trooper and Stormtrooper. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

This team is built with Maul, Imperial Super Commando, Gar Saxon, Canderous Ordo and Jango Fett. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

General Grievous – GG
This team is built with General Grievous, STAP, B1 Battle Droid, B2 Super Battle Droid and IG-100 MagnaGuard. Huge jump. Not a team that will define the meta right now but one that works a lot more stable recently thanks to STAP and the synergy that opens
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Kelleran Beq – KB
This team is built with Kelleran Beq, Jedi Knight Anakin, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Mace Windu and Barriss Offee. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

General Skywalker 501 + Captain Rex
This team is built with General Skywalker, CT-7567 ‘Rex’, ARC Trooper, CT-5555 ‘Fives’ and Captain Rex. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Zorii Resistance
This team is built with Finn, Resistance Hero Finn, Resistance Hero Poe, Zorii Bliss and Poe Dameron. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Captain Rex Phoenix
This team is built with Hera Syndulla, Captain Rex, Kanan Jarrus, Chopper and Garazeb ‘Zeb’ Orrelios. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Jedi Knight Cal Kestis – JKCK
This team is built with Bastila Shan, Jedi Knight Cal Kestis, Hermit Yoda, Ezra Bridger and Jolee Bindo. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Padme Commander Tano
This team is built with Padme Amidala, Commander Ahsoka Tano, Jedi Knight Anakin, General Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Sith Triumvirate Traya
This team is built with Darth Traya, Darth Sion, Darth Nihilus, Savage Opress and Darth Talon. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Nightsisters – NS
This team is built with Mother Talzin, Nightsister Zombie, Old Daka, Merrin and Asajj Ventress. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Emperor Palpatine – EP
This team is built with Emperor Palpatine, Mara Jade, Darth Vader, Grand Admiral Thrawn and Shoretrooper. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

General Anakin Skywalker 501 – GAS
This team is built with General Skywalker, CT-7567 ‘Rex’, Ct-21-0408 ‘Echo’, ARC Trooper and CT-5555 ‘Fives’. But be advices that this team is quite on the road down right now and is doing a lot less well than it used to a few months ago
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Commander Luke Skywalker – CLS
This team is built with Commander Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, C-3PO, Chewbacca and Threepio & Chewie. Cool oldshool team but really not doing well in the meta for a quite a while anymore and I rather see it going even more down.
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

This team is built with Doctor Aphra, BT-1, 0-0-0, Darth Vader and Imperial Probe Droid. But be advices that this team is quite on the road down right now and is doing a lot less well than it used to a few months ago
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Darth Revan + Savage Opress (Grand Arena) – DR
This team is built with Darth Revan, Bastila Shan (Fallen), Darth Malak, Savage Opress and Darth Talon. But be advices that this team is quite on the road down right now and is doing a lot less well than it used to a few months ago
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Qui-Gon Jinn (Grand Arena) – QGJ
This team is built with Qui-Gon Jinn, Jedi Knight Anakin, Ki-Adi-Mundi, – and –. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Jedi Knight Revan Luke – JKR
This team is built with Jedi Knight Revan, Bastila Shan (Fallen), Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old Ben) and Hermit Yoda. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Wampa Solo
This team is built with Wampa, –, –, – and –. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Savage Opress Solo
This team is built with Savage Opress, –, –, – and –. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Grand Inquisitor – GI
This team is built with Grand Inquisitor, Seventh Sister, Fifth Brother, Ninth Sister and Second Sister. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Admiral Trench
This team is built with Admiral Trench, Jango Fett, Count Dooku, Nute Gunray and Wat Tambor. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum) Solo – ATF
This team is built with Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum), –, –, – and –. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Moff Gideon Imperial Remnants – IR
This team is built with Moff Gideon, Dark Trooper, Scout Trooper, Death Trooper and Stormtrooper. Not that it was a op team before, but with the new heroes and teams it even is less effective so I ranked it down a notch.
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Vanilla Darth Revan – DR
This team is built with Darth Revan, Bastila Shan (Fallen), Darth Malak, Sith Empire Trooper and Sith Marauder. Not that it was a op team before, but with the new heroes and teams it even is less effective so I ranked it down a notch.
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

This team is built with Tusken Chieftain, Tusken Warrior, Tusken Raider, Urorrur’R’R and Tusken Shaman. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Iden Versio Special Forces – IV
This team is built with Iden Versio, Snowtrooper, Shoretrooper, Magmatrooper and Colonel Starck. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Sana Starros – SS
This team is built with Sana Starros, Cara Dune, Stormtooper Han, Captain Drogan and Rebel Officer Leia Organa. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Cere Junda Unaligned Force Users – CJ
This team is built with Cere Junda, Cal Kestis, Kylo Ren (Unmasked), Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum) and Kylo Ren. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Bad Batch – BB
This team is built with Hunter, Echo, Tech, Omega and Wrecker. Not that it was a op team before, but with the new heroes and teams it even is less effective so I ranked it down a notch.
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Boba Fett Scion of Jango – SOJ
This team is built with Boba Fett, Scion Of Jango, Fennec Shand, The Mandalorian (Beskar Armor), Kuiil and IG-11. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Rogue One – RO
This team is built with Admiral Raddus, Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor, K-2So and Scarif Rebel Pathfinder. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Veers Imperial Troopers – IT
This team is built with General Veers, Admiral Piett, Dark Trooper, Moff Gideon and Range Trooper. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Dash Rendar – DR
This team is built with Dash Rendar, The Mandalorian (Beskar Armor), Hondo Ohnaka, Kuiil and IG-11. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker – JKL
This team is built with Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, Shaak Ti, Barriss Offee, Hermit Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old Ben). –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Shaak Ti Clones
This team is built with Shaak Ti, CT-7567 ‘Rex’, Ct-21-0408 ‘Echo’, ARC Trooper and CT-5555 ‘Fives’. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

This team is built with Geonosian Brood Alpha, Sun Fac, Geonosian Solider, Poggle the Lesser and Geonosian Spy. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Bounty Hunters – BH
This team is built with Aurra Sing, The Mandalorian, Greef Karga, Bossk and Zam Wesell. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Mon Mothma – MM
This team is built with Mon Mothma, Kyle Katarn, Hoth Rebel Scout, Pao and Cara Dune. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Rey (Jedi Training) – JTR
This team is built with Rey (Jedi Training), BB-8, R2-D2, Resistance Hero Finn and Resistance Hero Poe. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

First Order (Vanilla)
This team is built with Kylo Ren (Unmasked), General Hux, Sith Trooper, First Order Stormtrooper and Kylo Ren. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

50R-T (Sortie)
This team is built with 50R-T, BB-8, T3-M4, R2-D2 and Lobot. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Jedi Knight Revan (Vanilla) – JKR
This team is built with Jedi Knight Revan, Grand Master Yoda, Bastila Shan, General Kenobi and Jolee Bindo. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

First Order (TIE Pilot Omicron) – FO
This team is built with General Hux, Sith Trooper, First Order TIE Pilot, First Order Stormtrooper and First Order SF TIE Pilot. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

This team is built with Chief Chirpa, Princess Kneesaa, Logray, Paploo and Ewok Elder. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Captain Phasma – CP
This team is built with Captain Phasma, Kylo Ren, First Order Officer, First Order SF TIE Pilot and First Order Executioner. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

The Mandalorian (Beksar Armor) – BAM
This team is built with The Mandalorian (Beskar Armor), Kuiil, IG-11, Enfys Nest and Dengar. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Padme Amidala (Vanilla)
This team is built with Padme Amidala, Jedi Knight Anakin, General Kenobi, C-3po and Ahsoka Tano. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

This team is built with Tarful, Zaalbar, Vandor Chewbacca, Clone Wars Chewbacca and Veteran Smuggler Chewbacca. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

Mandalorians (Light Side)
This team is built with Bo-Katan Kryze, Paz Vizsla, The Mandalorian (Beskar Armor), The Armorer and Sabine Wren. –
Please make sure to build your heroes the right way to make this team work:

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Of course there are many variations of teams but this should be your start point of teams where you can evolve and test around or you will be quite lost. The top teams are dominating Territory Wars and the Arena in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes and if you have them ready you can be ready to dominate as well.