Best Build for Hinami Fueguchi (Fledgling Butterfly) in Tokyo Ghoul Break the Chains

Getting the best out of Hinami Fueguchi (Fledgling Butterfly) in Tokyo Ghoul Break the Chains can become a little bit challenging the further you progress and with the auto-function in the game is not always working all too well so we decided to bring you our fully tested builds here for all characters so you don’t have to test them for hours and hours like we did.

Before we start, please also see here how Hinami Fueguchi (Fledgling Butterfly) performs in general among all characters in Tokyo Ghoul Break the Chains:

hinami fueguchi (fledgling butterfly)
Hinami Fueguchi (Fledgling Butterfly)
Here is a quick overview of the rankings of Hinami Fueguchi (Fledgling Butterfly). Please refer to the full tier list linked below to see the ranking of all characters..

The Best RC Cell Setup Hinami Fueguchi (Fledgling Butterfly)

RC Cells are basically the gear in Tokyo Ghoul Break the Chains, like the only part where you actually work on your characters traits and scaling stats without just hitting a button and upgrade something. This is where you will make or break your character in the game.

The AUTO RC Cell function is allright but mainly uses power-rating as indicator and not what stats and sweetspots actually make your character work best. It’s alright early but once you hit a wall I can promise you that our recommended setup perform sometimes 50% better than the one that AUTO gives you!

For the RC Cells themselves, you want to use Maraud Cell, Bulwark Cell and Proliferation Cell for the biggest improvement.

Please mind that you can spread the ‘position’ of the RC Factors (the stats) to whatever RC Cell you want, important is that you have the same amount of each one of the recommended one for the best outcome.


I hope this helps you get the most out of your characters in Tokyo Ghoul Break the Chains and I am sure we will see more options being released in the near future that we will cover here as well. Thanks for your support and if you have question, please leave a comment below.

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