Do you struggle which weapon aspect to choose in Hades? Well, I know the struggle very well so I decided tow rite this tier list to not just give you an overview for all different weapon aspects there are in Hades, I also share insights how they will perform and why the strong ones perform so well and why the weak ones fall off.
Best Weapon Aspects in Hades
So, let’s not waste more time and directly jump into the tier list:
S Tier
Here we have the strongest weapon aspects in Hades that are super versatile, offer great utility and are simply the aspects of choice right now.

Aspect of Beowulf (Beowulf Shield) is one of the best weapons to use, Beowulf Shield is a literal beast. It allows you to load your Bloodstones in the shield and then easily unleash them all at once to attack with Dragon Rush. It can also be upgraded to incorporate more damage and the area of the Dragon Rush attack by a total of 100%. However, the 10% damage taken by the player is such a small price to pay which makes Beowulf Shield one of the best weapons in Hades.

Aspect of Eris (Eris Rail) is quite unique since you have to walk into the area of impact where you’ll use your special attack. The special attack is a bomb explosion and you will absorb the blast and get an increased 75% damage. You can damage your opponents with the increased offense for a total of 4 seconds but those 4 seconds can really make you the winner.

Aspect of Chiron (Chiron Bow). The only bad aspect about Chiron Bow is that it’s bad at the start. However, as you upgrade it, it becomes powerful due to the special Volley Fire Attack. You can also upgrade Chiron Bow to increase the number of Volley Fire specials to up to 8 projectiles which makes it quite useful in combat.

Aspect of Chaos (Chaos Shield). Once you level up the Chaos Shield, it becomes very useful. It allows the weapon to send various projectiles with a special attack. You can also increase the total number of shields to +5 to destroy your opponent with a single attack. Chaos Shield is also very safe for beginners since you’re going to use every single aspect of the shield. What makes Chaos Shield an S-Tier weapon is a fact that it’s not complicated and it can deal a great amount of damage.
A Tier
Coming to the strong aspects. They are still very good choices but compared to the ones above, they simply fall off a little bit.

Aspect of Hera (Hera Bow) – by using Hera Bow, you can load the Cast ammo and Bloodstones. And the next time you use it, the arrow will increase the overall damage as well. Moreover, the drop time for Bloodstones is decreased to 5 seconds with upgrades which makes Hera Bow a great weapon to use in the game.

Aspect of Lucifer (Lucifer Rail) – even though a lot of people think that Lucifer is the worst amongst Adamant Rails, it’s not the case. It might be difficult to learn but when it is active, you can deal 20 damage per second by using the small floating Hellfire obs. The blast damage is around 100 when you upgrade it fully and the huge damage is what makes Lucifer Rail so exciting.

Aspect of Zagreus (Bow Zag) is a very balanced weapon and it fits right into the A tier thanks to its versatility and the number of hammers that are revolving around it. The unique aspect of Zag Bow is that you can hold your attacks and use special attacks to fire 9 arrows in a row, in an arc which makes it quite powerful.

Aspect of Achilles (Achilles Spear) has a great special attack that you can throw at an enemy to deal damage. With special, you simply throw the spear, deal damage with it, hit the button again, and you can dash and slightly teleport to where your spear will land. What’s unique about Achilles Spear is its bonus since it starts at 50% and goes all the way up to 150% which is insane.

Aspect of Nemesis (Nemesis Sword) – the main aspect of this sword is its ability to “maybe” deal with critical damage in under three seconds of your special attack. But since critical damage is quite powerful, it can turn the tide of the battle in one hit. Moreover, compared to regular RPG games, Nemesis Sword deals with triple the damage when it comes to critical striking.
The crit chance is 30% which is quite good and it is simpler to use when compared to other Hades weapons. The thing that makes Nemesis Sword different compared to other swords is that it adds the damage on top of your regular attack damage.

Aspect of Zeus (Zeus Shield) turns you special into a Blitz Disc which makes your attack keep rotating in a particular area to deal with the damage. What’s unique about Zeus Shield is that on top of the special ability, you can use your normal attacks to double the damage your opponents are going to take. Moreover, you can bring the shield back with just the click of a button and all these aspects make it a versatile weapon to use.
B Tier
As you might know from my other tier lists, the B Tier is for the ones that are more for niche uses, where they are specifically as useful as the ones above but overall, looking at the bigger picture, they have some flaws.

Aspect of Poseidon (Poseidon Sword) – the whole shtick of Poseidon’s sword is that the special remove casts from your enemies and also provides you with passive cast damage up between 10% to 50%. The total cost of Poseidon Sword is 16 titan blood which is quite similar to Aspect of Nemesis. And even though the 10 to 50 percent doesn’t seem that powerful at all, however, by creating a build focused on just using the cast spells repeatedly, you’ll be able to dominate the battle. Casts like Electric Shot and Crush Shot are popular with Poseidon Sword.

Aspect of Rama (Rama Bow) is quite an interesting bow because it can be a bit technical in dealing with a particular enemy. This is because Rama Bow is blazing fast, it deals with a lot of damage, however, you cannot get close to it by taking the damage.
You can also use the special Volley Fire attack which makes the enemies take up to 60% of the damage. In simple words, by using the special Rama bow, you’re harming the foe by destroying their teammates.

Aspect of Arthur (Arthur) lets you access the unique Hallowed Ground special attack which creates a huge effect on the ground. If your enemies are in reach, they’re going to be slowed, all the traps will be dislodged, and the player will gain damage reduction along with a better Nova Smash Attack. Other than that, this sword also gives you +50 in HP if you just wield it. All in all, Aspect of Arthus is pretty good but nothing sort of surprising. This is because of the slow attack that gives you no adrenaline rush, making things a bit dry in the battle.

Aspect of Hestia (Hestia Rail) is not so popular but when it’s fully loaded, it can deal with 150 damage in a standalone way. This is for people who are all about having the most adrenaline-pumping experience. However, the first shot is stronger than the others which makes Hestia Rail a bit unreliable.
C Tier
The aspects in this tier have problems at some point, can be squishy or have other mechanics that make them less versatile.

Aspect of Demeter (Demeter Fist) is just a bit better than Zag Fist but also risky since you have to get close to the enemies to deal with considerable damage. The players can attack with 5 specials at one after they land the first 12 strikes. Overall, it’s a really good option to choose, however, it’s quite risky.

Aspect of Zagreus (Zag Rail) is a gun that contains a small yet powerful magazine. It is a great choice for players who want to fight with long distances and the special attack is also great in dealing gigantic damage with a proper boon. However, it just doesn’t have the excitement that a lot of other weapons have.

Aspect of Zagreus (Zag Fist) – even though all the Fists are quite similar to each other, the Zag Fist lets you dash with a +15% dodge change that can be quite useful in a plethora of situations. However, the short-range just wouldn’t work for anyone and the low damage is also something that a lot of people won’t be happy with.

Aspect of Zagreus (Zag Shield) – by using Zag Shield, the base damage of attack and dash strike will increase from 3 to 15 damage. And since it is based on actual damage and not percentage, it’s much better in this particular case. Zag Shield is just decent and wouldn’t blow anyone away. So unless you want to go for hammers that will go along with the shield attacks, don’t use Zag Shield. Otherwise, it’s a very reliable shield to use.

Using Aspect of Guan Yu (Guan Yu Spear) is pretty rough right off the bat since it reduces your total health and the amount of health you can heal by -50%. However, for the sacrifice, the weapon allows you to use the Serpent Slash attack that heals 1 HP per hit. And even though this might not seem like a lot, practically using it will have you maxed out on health for a long time. Guan Yu spear should not be used by beginners but overall, it’s sort of like a double-edged sword.
D Tier
The weapon aspects in this tier are the weakest in Hades right now and should not be used unless you have no other option.

Aspect of Zagreus (Zag Spear) increases your special damage, speed, and range to a total of 25%. However, it isn’t quite as good as many other weapons due to its low damage and lack of mobility. It can be a hassle to play with and a lot of fans are against the Zag Spear. The main thing that makes Zag Spear so uninteresting is its slow speed and tediousness. One of the best attacks you can use with Zag Spear is Exploding Launcher which turns your special into a shot that does 50 base damage in a given area.

Aspect of Hades (Hades Spear) lets you do a spin attack if you hold down the attack button. This spin attack deals with damage in a certain area. And your spin attack becomes a punishing sweep, which gives you a special attack bonus for a total of 10 seconds. The bonus starts with 30% to 150% which is quite broad. However, due to its complexity, Hades Spear is not recommended for new players.

Aspect of Talos (Talos Fist) is useful in battles where it’s harder to track down the opponents and pin them down. And Talos Fist is known for its range. The special attack incorporates Magnetic Cutter which moves the enemies towards you and it also deals with 20 base damage. However, if you upgrade Talos Fist, you can deal with the damage of up to 50%.

Aspect of Gilgamesh (Gilgamesh Fist) is quite boring but not as boring as Zag Sword, Gilgamesh Fist lets players use the Main effect on the enemies so that they can get 25% damage and move 30% slower for a total of 4 seconds. On the other hand, the main problem with this fist is that the enemies are also going to deal 50% extra damage to you, so good luck with surviving that.

Aspect of Zagreus (Zag Sword) is a great starter sword that gives you more attacking and moving speed. The intensity of the boost depends on the level the sword is at. The Zagreus is ideal for blocking the opponent’s attacks and rushing into the offense. However, since the bonus attack speed and move speed aren’t the best with this weapon, it is not recommended to dash strike in a battle. Moreover, the reason why Zag Sword is in D-Tier is that it’s quite hard to win a battle by just using the full sword combo. And since Zag Sword is geared towards a small niche of moves, it’s a bit tricky to use. But using attacks like Flurry Slash is a lot of fun.
So, I hope this tier list of all the current weapon aspects in Hades helps you to decide which one to use. If you have further questions or you think I did rank one (or more) aspects horribly wrong, don’t hesitate dropping a comment below and I’ll be happy to answer.
Great insights on the weapon aspects! I completely agree with your tier rankings, especially how you highlighted the Twin Fists of Malphon. They really do make combat feel so dynamic and fast-paced! What strategy do you recommend for maximizing their potential?
Great breakdown of the weapon aspects! I found the tier list really helpful for deciding which ones to prioritize in my runs. I especially appreciate the details on how each aspect synergizes with different boons. Keep up the awesome work!
Isn’t this just Haelian’s list with description?
Interesting article! I’m curious to see where you rank the Hades weapons in terms of best aspects.