Age of Empires Mobile is probably the most polished and complex city-building war game for mobile so far, with a lot more heroes than any other similar game had and free choice of skills that make the synergies complex and challenging. Also, you pair up 3 heroes together instead of 2, like many other games like Call of Dragons, Rise of Kingdoms, etc have shown before.
But this also will leave many players pretty confused at start what heroes make good commanders, what skills to choose and so on, right? Well, we played it from beta so we saw everything that happened to the game early on and want to help you with our tier list and our hero builds in Age of Empires Mobile!
Best Heroes in Age of Empires Mobile
Updated! Along some rank fine-tuning we also added Rameses, Saladin and Charlemagne with their final ranking int he current meta
Alright, let’s get into the tier list. Please mind to also check out the Ranks, since some heroes need a certain Rank to be actually good and others don’t really need that! Also, makes sure to check the pairings guide to see which heroes go well together.

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I hope this list helps you and if you have further questions please let us know in the comments and we’ll be happy to help.