Age of Empires Mobile is around the corner and of course you will find here all the strategies and guides you need – I am super exceited about the game already and can’t wait for the global release. Of course there is not much strategy to show already, as there is no real gameplay out there accessible and the only people with access to the game are not allowed to share any information.
However, from what has been published from official sources, we can see that the heroes in Age of Empires Mobile will be reality-based heroes in a realistic setting. These are the heroes that have been see already in the game trailers:
Soft Launch Info! Now that the game is available in some regions on Google Play, we get a better understanding but with all the changes, skills and possibilities it is impossible to rank all commanders in Age of Empires Mobile at this point, so this will be rather a list of the available ones until more tests can be done before the release in September