marvel snap bounce deck july 24th 2023 marvel snap bounce deck july 24th 2023

Bounce Deck Guide – MARVEL SNAP

This deck plays around playing cheap cards over and over again to scale up your Collector and Bishop. Hard to control for the opponent and a deck that I see very well this season.

In this guide you’ll learn everything about the Bounce deck, including some replacements, and what lines to play and everything else you need. If you want to see what decks are crushing the meta right now in MARVEL Snap, please refer to my weekly updated meta decks guide here.

Card Strategy for the Bounce Deck

Bast literally improves every card in your hand as no card has more than 3 power so you can gain a lot of value with him for 1 energy. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Bast here.
Iceman provides a ton of value as you can easily disrupt your opponents lines for 1 energy with all the cross-synergy of playing again and scaling your cards that gain power from many cards being played. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Iceman here.
Kitty Pryde is still a great card for Bounce although she will not scale that much anymore, along Angela and Bishop you gain enough extra power from playing her over and over to make it worth running her in your deck. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Kitty Pryde here.
Angela grows steadily through all the cards you play and if you bounce them back in your hand with Beast or Falcon, you can scale her up even more to become a 8+ power card easily. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Angela here.
Spider-Ham disrupts the enemy hand a lot by taking the powerful cards and turn them basically into cards without effects that only have their power – and playing him multiple times while scaling your other cards is even more powerful. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Spider-Ham here.
Invisible Woman is a strong card here as you can now play your Hit Monkey there to scale with your Turn 6 play and have more cards you can play on the las turn. Also great to stop Kitty Pryde from bouncing when she gained enough power. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Invisible Woman here.
Mysterio works well with so many cards here, scaling Angela, Hit Monkey and Bishop up, cloaks where your power is and just goeas so well with all here. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Mysterio here.
Bishop loves when you play cards and when you play them again after bouncing, he grows quite well for little energy invested. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Bishop here.
Hit Monkey is your card to gain a ton of power on your last turn when you throw many cards on the board and played into Invisible Woman you don’t have to play him on the last turn and still give him all the benefits from the cards you played on Turn 6. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Hit Monkey here.
Beast is a good card to bounce back your cheap cards to re-play them or gain other synergies, now played later but still the big enabler in this deck. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Beast here.
Iron Man will provide you a great Turn 5 card to boost power a lot by your Turn 6 play and even with smaller cards you can compete for that location easily. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Iron Man here.
America Chavez helps you draw into your core cards more relibaly and is normally not a card you will play on Turn 6 in this deck. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with America Chavez here.
  1. Due to the nature of my deck, it is hard for me to avoid using the Bast. To be honest, it possesses a great deal of liveliness.

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